Danny POV

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It's been a rocky road with Tiffany, we have been arguing about the stupidest stuff. We still haven't made that sexual move and its starting to get to me! She let AJ take her virginity so quickly but, me...

She wont budge and I feel like she's doing it out of spite for what I did to her. She said she has forgave me but, I know deep down she hasn't. It's the middle of January, Tiffany is home because she is sick I have picked up some soup, flowers, big red, and her favorite chocolates.
I knock on the door and her uncle let's me in, I walk in and find Carter handing her a cup of tea. Confusion gets me as does anger.
"What the hell is he doing here?!"
"He asked if he could come take care of me while you were at school."
"After what he did your just gonna a let him be here?! And at that not tell me you have another guy here?!"
"Danny calm down please, the yelling is killing my head."
I throw the flowers on the bed and drop everything on the floor.
"Have your new boyfriend take care of you then."
I start to walk out.
"Danny! Come back!"
I turn and see Carter smiling behind her as she walks to me, she wraps her arms around me.
"Please don't go, I just want to be in your arms."
I look down at her,
"Get him the fuck out of here then."
She looks at Carter and he nods, i watch as he leaves the house and walk pass her and sit on her bed with my head in my hands.
I'm so confused.... does she hate me?! Does she regret being back with me? Tears flood my eyes, I feel her little hands lift my chin up.
"Baby, why are you crying?"
I shake my head,
"Do you hate me still? Am I not enough? Do you regret being with me? Your constantly in fight's with me when I'm just trying to make you happy..... I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Its, it's like I'm constantly trying to make up for my past mistakes and its killing me...
You wont even let me touch you...."
Tears stream down my face, she frowns and wraps her arms around my neck, I hold her tight against me.
"Baby... Danny I'm sorry, i- I guess I have been punishing you for what you did. I didn't know I was b-being so horrible to you. I built a wall against you. I'm sorry."
"Tiffany, do you want to be with me?"
She pulls back and looks me in my eyes,
"Yes Danny, I do."
Tears fill her eyes, her lips kiss mine gently.
"Your gonna get me sick." She giggles shaking her head making me smirk.
"Danny, I'm sorry." I nod and pull her to lay in my arms,
"Its okay my Angel."


We spent the night cuddled up eating soup and waiting for daybreak. I felt the care and want from her again like in the beginning. I was aching for that from her and now I have it finally!
In the morning we woke, and now I'm at school without her.
I see AJ and Maranda posters for prom king and queen, I smile to myself knowing they are going to win.
Carter smiles at me evily at lunch, god I want to punch him in the face again!
"What's your problem?!"
I ask causing a slight scene, he chuckles.
"You dont deserve her."
"Oh and you do?! A famous womanizer, cheater, and virginity taker?!"
"I wouldn't be that guy to her. I'd cherish her unlike you have."
I stand up and grab him by his shirt,
"She is mine, she doesnt want you!"
"Sure she doesnt, but she will."
I feel a hand grab my shoulder, I look back and see AJ.
"Come on bro."
I look down and take a deep breath and walk away with AJ.
We go to the empty gym and I grab a basketball and throw it so hard it breaks the glass backboard.
Glass shatters behind me and AJ shakes his head.
"You need to calm down."
"How am I supposed to calm down when he is trying to steal my girl?!"
"You know, I'm not trying to be a dick but, it seems as if karma is biting you on the ass."
"Fuck karma and everyone that's wants my girl!"
He chuckles and starts to walk away.
"I'm trying to be your friend and give you advice but, you just won't listen when your mad so I'm just going to go."
"What do I do AJ....."
He turns around,
"Trust her, love her, treat her well."
"That's it?"
"Trust her to be faithful to you as she did for you in the beginning."
I nod and pull AJ into a hug,
"Come let's get to class."
We walk the halls and head to last class for us, after we have our last football practice. Our last game is Tomorrow, we made it to the championship.
As I walk to the parking lot I find Tiffany waiting for me leaned up against my car. She smiles and runs up to me.
"Feeling better?"
"Yes, all I needed was you."
I chuckle and kiss her gently, she looks at me for a few seconds.
"What my angel?"
"I'm just so happy to have you as mine again."
My heart melts.
"I have a special date planned tonight."
I really dont but I want to do something for her.
"Yeah, go get ready. I'll pick you up at 7."
She walks away leaving me to start planning a cute date, tonight I think I'll cook for her for the first time.
I'm thinking Italian nothing crazy though I dont have time to shop for anything extravagant.
Chicken parmigian with fettuccine noodles, garlic bread and a nice rich brownie. I rush off the the store pick up some stuff and start cooking quickly. My brother comes in,
"Ohhhh we are having dinner made tonight by the one and only Daniel Garza!"
"I'm making dinner for Tiff and I but dont worry I'm making you a plate too."
"Ohhhh, how are things going with Tiffany? I uh... I hear yall arguing quiet alot nowadays."
"We are good now." He Pat's my back as I hand him a plate.
He walks to his room and I leave the food in the oven to stay warm so I can take a shower.
I set up the back yard with lights and candles.
I rush to set up the plates knowing my angel is never late, just as I set up the table and plates she calls me.
"Hey I'm knocking but you aren't coming."
"Sorry I was setting everything up, I'm coming baby."
I rush out to the front and see the sun has already gone down behind her, she smiles as i check her out.
Cute little navel blush dress with black heals, her hair wavey.
"You look so beautiful my angel."
She blushes and walks in, i show her to the back yard and she gasps.
"Oh... this is so beautiful Danny!"
"I just wanted to show you how much I care about you baby.... I know things have been rough but, I'd rather travel through rough waters with you than with anyone else."
She bites her lip making me hot, her eyes on my lips.
She grabs my face and pulls me to her, our lips crash into a passion heated kiss.
"Danny, I love you so much."
She says pulling away from me,
"I love you too baby."
I pull away and pull out her seat.
"I'll be right back my angel."
I rush inside and put our plates together, pour out some wine for us and rush out.
"Danny this is too much..."
"This isnt even all of it."
She shakes her head.
"So you really can cook huh?"
I shrug,
"Let's see how it taste."

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