fast forward 2weeks, Thursday, present day, Danny POV

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"Dude Deadpool is Marvel!" I yell at Brandon,

"No he is DC!" I shake my head,
"Bro you are seriously confused, Google it!" I yell at him as we walk to practice, this guy is so dumb! I shake my head, whatever.... Maranda and I are okay again, she explained why she didn't help me the other day and we made up like we always do but, things have been getting weird, she's clinging now but I love it and she always wants to come over. She has let me see the real her in the past two weeks, she is goofy and smart! She is even kind.... she saw some girl that looked hungry the other day outside of this pizza place we were at on the other side of San Antonio and she bought her a whole pizza and gave her $300 dollars!
The girl was pregnant and young like us too, Maranda grabbed her hands and prayed for with her. I've never seen that side of Maranda, it was mind blowing and true.... She cried about it when we got to her house that night. She felt for the girl. I'd be lying if I said there wasn't real feeling's there for her, there is but I cant let her know that.
She watches us play and cheers for Brandon every time he tackles someone. 

"Such a good girlfriend!" AJ yells out sarcastically,
"Hey beautiful!" I see Tiffany ascending the bleachers to sit down, she waves at AJ and smiles.
I want that, I crave what they have, I had it with Tiff at first but, I want it with Maranda and I don't mean that it a fucked up way like Tiff wasn't enough she was, I was just to wrapped up in Maranda I guess.
I blow it off and head to the locker room shower and head to eat, my dinner girl Chloe has been ignoring me after I hit and quit her.
"Coming to your place at 10." Maranda texts, I smile and head out after eating. I lay in bed and get cozy, time fly's by and before I know it its 10.
I hear a knock on my back door and open it for her, she goes to my room.
"Hey you okay?" She smiles and nods,
"Okay well you need to educate your boyfriend comics please he is killing me!"
"He's not that bad!"

Maranda laughs as I crack jokes about her little show off boyfyriend.
"What!? I mean seriously he is all bronze no brains! That dude doesn't know his ass from his head!" I shrug my shoulders,
"You'd think you would want to be with someone who actually knows the difference between Marvel and DC.... He thinks Deadpool is DeathStroke like what?!"
     She shakes her head smiling, her eyes locked on mine as she plays with my fingers. My heart racing as they flirt and lace together, she looks in to my eyes with those beautiful Hazel eyes.
"What?" I ask feeling insecure, she just smiles, I get so lost in her eyes I forget where we are..... oh yeah my house my room. I laugh to myself but suddenly stop as she climbs on top of me and kisses me deeply making me light headed. She pulls away and I see her eyes full of tears.
"What's wrong?" She wipes them getting off of me quickly and gathers herself.
"Danny..... I um....." She looks like she's fighting herself trying not to say something, I know what it is....
"Just say it Maranda... I'm a big boy I can take it." Tears drop from her eyes onto my wooden floor board and I watch them splash on to the wood and shatter like my heart is about too.
I can feel my eyes pricking with tears so I look away from her till she grabs my face.
"Daniel Garza I need to tell you something important..." I look at her impatiently.
"Danny please don't be ugly to me right now, this is hard for me to say."
I nod and kiss her forehead.
"Danny, I'm falling in love with you..." See you'd think I'd be happy hearing that but what's the point of being in love with someone you can't have fully? I look away from her for a second.
"Why are you doing this too me?" She looks shocked at my response, she stutters the word "What".
"Why would you tell me this now? When I can't even have you fully? You walk around the halls smiling laughing with your boyfriend and I have to sit back and watch and you give your body to him too?! To make
Matters worse now I know you love me and your going to continue doing what you do while I sit and watch... it's not okay.... I'm sorry it's not the response you want but, for my dignity and sanity I can't do this anymore....Please just, leave." Sobs break her chest as she gathers her stuff and I look away as she leaves.

DMTA ****Completed****जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें