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                       ... AJ pov...
My alarm goes off on my phone, I wake finding my arm under her shirt resting around her stomach. She stirs awake and tenses up, she turns around and smiles at me.

"Good morning beautiful." I say smirking, she smiles as I slowly move my arm away.
"Shit.... I'm late for school!" She gets up real quick and takes her keys out,
"I gotta go AJ. Ummm will I see you later?"
"After school." She bites her lip smiling as she walks away, when I hear my front door close I cover my face with a pillow and kick and scream with joy.

I get ready for school and head to the dinner for a quick bite, I see Danny's car pulling in and sigh. He walks in looks at me and sits down not saying a word.... I tap my soda and take a deep breath.
"Danny.... do you wanna know why i was at your house?" He stares at me.
"I went to tell you that i felt guilty.... about liking Tiffany. I felt like a shitty friend for liking her and I had to tell you." I wince as I finish my sentence, I open one eye.
"If you genuinely like her I approve but, I don't know if she will go for you... I appreciate you trying to do the right thing for her and I AJ. She deserves the best..... I'm definitely not that."
Don't think she will go for me? What does that even mean and it felt like a sneaky low blow but, I let it go anyways.
"What's going on with you and Maranda?"
He shrugs,
"I cant help but, want her, need her. I dont know what it is about her.... shes a totally different person when we are together, funny, cool, sincere."
"Ugh I can't stand her!" He chuckles shaking his head.
"So when do you see her again?"
"Skipping practice?" I nod and smirk as I get up.
"You'll be fine without me."
"I dont know supposedly Carter wants to fight me. I need my brotha for back up."
"I guess I'll be there.... but I'm going to tell Tiff to come..."
He tenses up for a second and nods.
We head out for school and I pull into the parking lot only to find Tiffany's car.... Danny looks at me and watches from afar as I walk up to her car, she rolls down her window...
"Its teachers work day...." she says nervously while giggling, I shake my head.
"And you came here?" She nods and looks out seeing Danny.
"Yall still cool?" She asks still looking at him,
"So far yeah." She nods and looks at me
"That's good... I ummm I don't want to be home... Do you think maybe you can like skip with me?" I look over at Danny,
"Let me talk to Danny real quick."
"What you need his permission?" I chuckle shaking my head.
"No, he wanted me here because he might get in a fight." She makes an Oh face as I walk away, my heart beating so fast.
"What is it?" Danny asks as I reach him.
"I'm skipping, Tiffany doesn't have class today. You good?" He shakes my hand and nods,
"I'll be okay." He Pat's my back,
"Hey.... did yall do anything last night?"
"I just held her while she slept." He takes a deep breath and nods, I walk away and go back to Tiffany.
"Ready to go beautiful?" She says yes an we head to my house an leave her car there.
"Where we going?"
"To the woods, I'm going to murder you." She smacks my arm playfully making my chuckle.
"First taking you home to shower and change then to my secret hiding place."
Her hands in her lap nervous, i grab her hand and squeeze it gently.
"You okay?" She looks up and me and nods, I let her hand go as we pull up to her house.
"I'll wait here." She gets out, my phone goes off.
"Where are yall going?"
"I don't know Danny..... why?"
"I ju-..... never mind." The line dies I'm left confused, as I scroll through Facebook an see Tiffany is now single status . I cant help but, smile a bit.
I'm a horrible friend.... I'm breaking bro code but.... I cant help it....
She comes out, wet long hair, shorts and a tank top, this goddess...
She gets in my eyes locked on her.
"W-what?" She asks nervously.
"Nothing.... I just really like being around you." She smirks as she puts her seatbelt on, we take off I drive for two hours as she slept. Her eyes flutter open and widen,
"Where are we?"
"Corpus." She covers her eyes laughing, I pull up to a dock and gather some bait.
"You ready?"
"To fish? I've never been fishing."
I offer her my hand, she takes it.
"I'll teach you."
I bait her hook and stand behind her, I can feel her body stiffen as my hands  glide hers, I pull the line behind us and cast it.
"That's it?" She asks making me chuckle.
"No, now put your thumb under the line right here and keep it still."
"Why?" I feel a fish tug on the line and she jumps,
"Whoa!" I look at the side of her face and smile, she's so beautiful.
"Now you feel the tugging getting stronger?" She nods,
"Now pull back quickly and real it in real quick okay." We do it together, I can feel her heart racing in her chest as she leans back pulling the fish up to us.
"Ahhh!!!!" She laughs as she puts the fish on the boardwalk and claps, she hugs me tightly.
"You have caught you first fish in under 5 minutes. Congratulations that's very impressive." She let's go of me and shakes her head,
"This is fun..... how have I never done this before?!" She says grabbing pliers pulling the fish off the hook, I'm in love.... she wasn't even scared to get this fish!
"C-can you show me how to bait it?" I nod smiling, she picks chicken liver instead of worms this time, I show her how to bait the hook and she runs off to our spot. I chuckle as she casts the line perfectly.
This girl is a rarity.

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