Still Tuesday

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..................AJ POV..........

After fishing Tiffany and I sit on the beach eating our fried fish and watch the sun go down. Its beautiful, almost as beautiful as her, her hair blowing in the wind. I lay down looking at the sky, her head lays on my chest and I'm stunned, I dont know what to do.
"Thank you for this AJ, I really enjoyed it."
"Anytime Tiff." I wrap my arm around her waist and hold her gently, her phone buzzes and we both sit up and look at it.
"Whos Carter?" Anger fills my body, he is no good.
"He is the hit it quit it, virgin seeking, player of our school. Obviously you have caught his attention."
"Oh.... well, no I'm okay." She deleted the friend request and looks at me, my heart racing. I lean in slowly my heart racing, right as I'm about to kiss her she turns her face.
"AJ I cant.... your Danny's friend...." I close my eyes and clench my jaw, I nod and look away.
"A-are you mad at me?" She asks with a shaky voice,
"No, i just... never mind."
I get up and start to pack everything up, she crosses her arms and watches me.
"AJ, will you tell me why you were at Danny's that night?" I close my eyes and turn to her.
"No Tiffany, it wouldn't matter." I see a tear slide down her cheek, I grab her face.
"I went to tell Danny that I liked you, that I had mad feelings for you and that he needed to know so it wouldn't be horrible if something had happened between yall and we ended up I dont know like ended up together...... okay!" I slam the trunk closed and open her door, she gets in then I. The ride was silent for a bit, I feel her hand touch mine her fingers lace with mine.
I look at her for a second and kiss the back of her hand,
"Im not mad." She smiles as I let go of her hand and we drive like nothing had even happened, we pick up her car and I follow her to make sure she gets home safe. Tiffany walks over to my window, 
"Danny, do you wanna come In for a bit?" She asks looking into my eyes,
"Sure." I follow her to her room, she closes the door, shock finds me as she stands in front of me and pulls my face to hers. Shes kissing me!!!!
Shes kissing me!
A wide sensation of tingles and heat rises inside me as I kiss back, whimpers escape her chest as our kissing turns into making out quickly.
Her finger tips yanking at my shirt roughly, I pick her up and set her on her dresser. Our breathing heavy as we separate for a few seconds to pull each others shirts off. My hands on her skin, on her hips Gripping them roughly as to keep me from becoming the horny animal I know I am.
"AJ your hands feel so good.... I- I dont want to stop." She moans out, I lift her slamming her on the bed with me on top of her.
"We have to stop Tiffany..."
"Okay.... okay..." I rest my forehead on hers,
"I dont want you to do something your not ready for, your freshly single and I like you way to much to be a rebound guy." She nods,
"I'm sorry AJ...." she kisses me deeply, I pull her into my arms, on top of me.
"Tiffany do you like me?"
"AJ I've liked you since your party but, no offense you were more interested in hooking up with random bitches than you were anything else"
"Yeah..... I was, I'm not going to lie."
She giggles shaking her head.
"What changed?" She asks looking up at me,
"You.... you changed everything."
Her hands rubbing up and down my abs, her lips kiss my chest.
"Stop, your killing me."
"But your skin is so soft and you smell so amazing."
I chuckle and sit up and put my shirt on,
"I should get going, ummm can I drive you to school tomorrow?"
She nods smiling.
"Okay, I'll see you in the morning.... Goodnight."
She walks me out and kisses me gently, ugh her kisses are addictive!

I head to pick up Tiffany, she comes outside in a tight black skirt and a tank top and converse. She looks so sexy..... my heart is racing as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear as she looks up at me and smiles nervously.

"You look very ummm dare I say it, sexy today." She giggles shaking her head as I open the door for her, I sit in the drivers seat.
"What's wrong?" I close my eyes,
"Nothinhg, I just i..... does me being friends with Danny really demolish every possibility of us ever dating?"
She closes her eyes,
"I dont know Danny, I really like you but, I dont know if I could ever date someone that's friends with my ex because then I'd have to see him. At parties, games...."
"Well maybe it won't bother you if we were dating. Youd be too happy with me to care."
She looks out of the window, that's a no. I sigh and put on some music, as I drive her to school, as I pull up i see tons if guys gawking at her body.
Rage and jealousy impacts my body, she looks up at me, her big brown eyes..... I grab her face and kiss her gently, she kisses back for a second then pulls away and slaps me.
Mixed signals much?
I smile to myself as she walks away, all the guys looking at me, I slide my Letterman on and get in my truck.
All of these guys are gonna hate me, I drive to school slowly.
When I pull into the parking lot I find Maranda and Danny arguing till they see me pull up. I get out smiling,
"Hey hoe, hey Danny, what's up?" Danny shakes his head as Maranda bumps shoulders as she walks past us,
"Dude, Maranda is crazy! She doesn't want me talking to anyone else while she is over here with a boyfriend!"
I shrug chucking,
"You made your bed bro." Danny shakes his head,
"So party this weekend or what?"
"There will be a party but, I'm not sure your invited..... "
I nod, he smirks.
"Nothing, I just.... miss her."
"Oh.... let's go to class before this gets awkward." I start to walk off but, Danny stops me.
"Did yall do something? You are a little to happy...."
"What? No dude no... I promise nothing sexual happened okay. We are just friends."
Our attention gets taken as Carter walks up to us,
"Guess whose talking to your ex?" Rage fills me and Danny, I grab his shirt.
"Stay away from her Carter!"
"I'll stay away from her but, I can't promise she will stay away from me." 
Cater winks,

"Keep your hands off my girl!" I say pushing him to the ground, the words came out so quick I couldn't stop them.
"Wait.... wait.... your talking to his ex!?"
Carter starts laughing as he gets up,
"Looks like I made two people mad today in less than 2 minutes, a new record."
Carter walks away Danny looks at me with venom in his voice he says "Your girl?!"
I feel a fist hit my face and pain stings my face, I nod closing my eyes then open them as Danny hold his fist by his sides.
"I'm sorry AJ I just...."
"Dont be sorry Danny, I'm breaking bro code. I deserve it." I grip his shoulder reassuringly, he nods
The day was okay, I haven't heard from Tiffany all day so I text her.
"Can I pick you up?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry for overreacting."
She sends sad faces, I chuckle as I walk to my car.
"Practice was canceled so I'm on my way right now."
"Okay I'll be in the auditorium, we are practicing my solo."
I race over and quietly sit down, the choir teacher is Male buff and well dressed..... His hands on her fixing her posture makes me irritated.
"Now sing!" He yells at her making her wince, she nods as he goes to the piano.
She starts to sing, my heart is covered by her velvet voice, I'm completely mesmerized as she sings,
'If I were a boy by beyonce.'
She sings with passion and pain as her eyes tear up, she sees me and smiles a tad. Tears fall down her cheek, she whips them.
"Push harder!" The teacher yells out making her jump, she finishes the songs and the teacher stands up and claps loudly.
"That! That is what I want to hear! Passion!" He hugs her gently,
"You can leave now." She nods and runs down the stairs and into my arms, I wipe her tears away.
"You okay?" She nods and looks up at me,
"I'm hungry."
"Let's go eat then."
"Were you hangry earlier? Is that why you slapped me?"
I say as we pull out of the parking lot, she sighs shaking her head, her phone vibrates and she checks it.
"Everything okay?"
"AJ can you tell me why you pushed Carter."
"He wants you Tiffany and so do i...  I'm not going to go easy on this, hes a bad guy okay."
"AJ i dont like Carter... I like you."
"Wait, you like me?"
Tiffany nods.
I pull over and look at her, she looks at her hands nervously, I gently grab her chin.
"When your ready Tiffany just say the words and I'm yours." She smirks and nods, I kiss her forehead and speed off to go get food.
Danny POV

"Maranda, babygirl I have no choice! Brandon set it all up!"
"Danny I cant watch you fuck random girls! Itll kill me...."
She rests her forehead on my chest as I hold her, her body shaking from rage.
"Maranda I'm sorry, I have to go too the party.... I'll do the best I can okay. The guys want me to find a rebound girl."
"All you need is me." I chuckle and make her look up at me,
"Everything is going to be okay." A tear slides down her cheek, I wipe it away.
"Come one let's cuddle and watch a movie." She nods, her head resting on my chest, her hair smells soooo good! We relax and make jokes about random stuff, we are getting to know each other more and I'm liking her more. We have alot in common, movies, books, comics.... she's secretly a nerd under all that make up, hair and bitchyness.
"Its getting a lil late, I think you should get back to Brandon."
She nods getting up, her lips kiss mine gently before she leaves, this girl is driving me nuts!


DMTA ****Completed****Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora