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I wake up with a numb arm and see Tiffany sleeping in my arms, sound asleep. I pull the covers over us and turn her on her side, her back towards me. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into me tightly not wanting this to end. We sleep for another 3 hours, I wake up to Tiffany kissing my cheek.

My eyes flutter open and smile,
"Hey chula." She smiles,
"I got to go home Danny, my uncle will worry."
"Will you get in trouble?"
"No, my uncle is really cool but he does worry."
"Oh okay that's good. Do you want me to take you home?"
"I already called an uber." I pull out a $50 and hand it to her,
"At least let me pay for the uber." She smiles taking the money and nods, we hear a honk outside and I become sad.
She kisses me deeply, leaving me wanting more.
"I put my number in your phone, I hope you don't mind."
"Not at all. I'll call you later."
I walk her out an watch the car as it drives off, I close the door and head back up stairs to sleep a little more seeing it's only 7am. I'm exhausted!

"Wake up fucker!!!!"
AJ comes busting in the room jumping on me, I chuckle and sit up pushing him on the floor. Ending in a loud thud.
"What's going on?"
"Your Facebook account is going nuts! Anyways um get up I'm starving!"
I sigh and get up, we head out to go eat, we go to the dinner and I see the whole team is there. We go inside and and I see Maranda is there too, why is she here? She is the only girl here!
I sit down in front of her and Brandon and soffe.
"Dude does she go everywhere you go?"
Brandon looks at her then me.
"Unfortunately." He says chuckling till Maranda elbows him, I smirk as she kicks my leg.
"What's with all the hostility?"
One of the guys asks,
"Maranda tried to ruin a very special thing between Danny and a girl last night but was unsuccessful."
"Good for you bro." The guys say patting my back,
"Who cares, she just gonna end up with a broken heart or just end up being a flavor of the week."
"I dont think so, I'm probably going to take her on a date tomorrow. I had plans with another girl but she seems like a bitch so yeah...  yall know how that goes."
"Yeah we have all been there and some are stuck with one." AJ says looking at Maranda and Brandon,  Everyone chuckles as Brandon has no care what they say to her. We eat and laugh, discuss about the room situation.
"I'm rooming with Aj." I say, AJ nods,
"Hell yeah Brotha."
Everyone else decides who they wanna room with for away games, is this the only reason we came here for? I want leave but I don't want to be rude so I get my phone out and text Tiffany.
"Hey beautiful shy girl."
"Your so cute, what are you doing?"
"Nothing just home, watching a movie."
"Want some company?"
"I'd love that...."
"Send me your address, Ill come over in like 2 hours...."
"Okay. Bring food."
"Not to shy to eat around me.... I like a girl that can eat."
"Shut up dork."
"Only if you make me."
"Byeeeeee." I chucked to myself, I look up seeing all the guys looking at me smiling. Maranda is giving me the death stare.
"Why are you smiling? Is it that girl from last night?" AJ asks, I nod.
"Imma see her in a bit. Chloë!"
I order a bunch of stuff to go,
"Shes hungry huh? She looks like she could skip a few meals." Maranda says,
"So do you but, we have enough decency not to tell you to your face."  I say standing up for Tiffany, Marandas face goes from mad to hurt,
"Stop being so salty." I say grabbing the bags of food leaving the dinner. I go home shower and get dressed quickly and head to her place. I pull up and knock on the door, a tall tattooed guy opens the door.
"Hi I'm Daniel... I'm here to see Tiffany..."
"Come in." I do as he says and see Tiffany standing there, she takes my hand and pulls me out of the room with the tall guy.
"Who was the tall guy?"
"My uncle." I hand her the food and lay on her bed, she grabs a burger and takes a bite. I pull her to the bed, her body lays next to me. I look at her as she chews her food and I take a bite of the burger. I chew quickly and kiss her deeply, fuck.... I really like this girl! She pulls away and takes another bite making me chuckle, shes so cute!!!! She gets up taking a few gulps of her Coke and sits next to me eating some fries.
"Want some?" She feeds me some fries and giggles putting them away, I watch as she puts a movie on, I pull her back to the bed with me.
"Miss me?" She asks, I smile and nod, her hands on my face, she kisses me gently. I lose my breath in her kiss, this girl.... Tiffany lays her head on my chest her bare leg draped over my legs. I didn't even realize how much little clothes she is wearing...
No bra, a tank top and short pajama shorts. This girl is a tease! I kiss the top of her head and sigh from pure happiness. I feel very content with her, like I'm on cloud 9 honestly.
And here you were worrying about what's going to happen with Maranda..... this girl is perfect.
Yeah she is.... very perfect In every way i can see so far. My innocent girl, my princess.
We cuddle eat and watch movies till 10pm, her uncle kicked me out and now I'm on my way home. When I pull up i see Marandas Rangerover in my drive way.
Not today satan!




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