Chapter 8

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Sophie POV

My mom stands up and someone runs the mic over to her.

"And there it goes. The day my little girl got married. She's been there for me for so long. Sophie was the happiest little girl. Always dancing and singing, running around the island. The light of my life. As she grew up she never changed. Still the happiest girl I've ever known. Not a girl anymore. A woman. A beautiful young woman. And Sky, I'm so glad she found you, you've helped her so much and you two are inseparable. Someone come take this microphone from me before I go on for too long. Congratulations to you both!" She says as someone else grabs the mic. More speeches are given and dancing ensues. It's a huge party that runs late into the night. By the time the Sky and I get to bed, it's around 4:00 AM.


When I wake up, Sky is still asleep next to me. It's 10:00 AM. I roll out of bed to start cleaning up from last night. I grab my laptop. Then I come to realize I got married! I had waited my whole life to find someone who I love and who loves me. And Sky came along, and somehow I knew he was the one. I get down to the kitchen and grab some breakfast. I take a seat at a table and start to post wedding pictures on Facebook. I post some good ones on the hotel's website, with a caption explaining that we are a great location for weddings. I post some pictures on my personal Facebook captioning them with my thoughts and random quotes. Then I see it again.

I completely forgot about the missing persons picture due to all the last minute wedding things

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I completely forgot about the missing persons picture due to all the last minute wedding things. Here I sit, less than 24 hours since the wedding happened, staring at a picture of my husband on a missing persons flyer. I want to talk to Sky about this today. But I don't want to wake him up, because we were all up really late last night. But I guess I won't have to worry about that, because Sky comes into the room and wraps his arms around me from behind. Surprised, I turn around and Sky kisses me. Then he looks at my computer screen, where the image of him on a missing persons poster still remains.

"Soph?" He asks. "What's that?" He points to my screen.

"It's a missing persons flyer." I answer.

"But why am I on it?" He asks.

"I don't know. This is the second time I've seen this ad."

"What? You've seen it before? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I forgot, because I was trying to get everything for the wedding done, but I saw it again today and remembered." I answer him. "Let's go to our room, so this discussion is private." I say quietly as other people start to come into the kitchen area. Sky nods and we head up to our room. "Do you understand anything about this?" I ask, the flyer still pulled up on my screen. He looks down

"Yeah. It's my parents." He says quietly.

"Sky, you told me that your parents died in a car crash and then you fled to Greece to get away from it all." I say, confused as to why he lied. "Your parents have probably been so worried. Sky, they could have came to our wedding. You had no family there, now that I think about it. They're probably wondering what happened to you." I say, feeling bad for his family and his parents.

"No, no, no. It's not like that. I told you they were dead because I thought this may happen. You'd want them to be at every event, and I don't blame you for that, because you didn't know what I'm about to tell you. My parents, they had a my whole life laid out for me. What schools I would go to, what job I would have, who my friends would be, they even had someone planned for me to marry. I was seventeen! I made an agreement with them. I told them to let me explore the world for a couple years, three, to be exact, and then I would come settle into the life they had planned. They agreed, and I chose to travel around and live in different places in Greece. It was amazing. My time to explore was dwindling, though. I stepped on this island with only a week left. I met you, and then I saw this beautiful place, and I knew I never wanted to go back. I loved you right away, and I knew I couldn't just leave you, after you had explained what had happened with your mom. Even before that, I knew I couldn't leave you. I never wanted the life my parents had set for me. Everything had been set in stone from the moment I started kindergarten. So I stopped contacting them and just never went back. It worked fine, minus the calls I kept getting from my parents. I never answered. I thought that they thought I was dead, but it's almost like they were expecting me not to come back. I had three years to explore, and shortly after I turned twenty, I was to return, but here I am, 22, and still here. Now they are trying to find me. They want me to start that life. They want me to leave here. To leave you." He explains, raising his head slowly and looking into my eyes. Both of our eyes are shining with tears. He grabs my hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

"Sky..." I say, trailing off and taking a deep breath.

"I'm not going back. I'm staying here, baby." Sky reassures me.

"What do we do about this?" I ask him. He shrugs.

"Can't we just not call the number?" He asks.

"I mean, we aren't going to, but if someone else sees this, who knows if they will or not?"

1017 words-excluding A/N



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