Proposition to fuck

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A part of me wants to play along, throw my hair back and flirt the night away. I deserve a break. I just wrapped up college and what better way to celebrate than with this hottie?

But another part of me wants to be straight up with him. I want something from him and if I don't tell him now, I am just reeling him in to get something later. I am sure he is used to getting used but I don't want to be one of those people who does that to him.

"Only if you tell me what Hannah told you." I really do want to know. He looks at me, tickled.

"It is that important to you?" Damn, his eyes are astounding. They twinkle with naughtiness as he speaks and I can't even. I never thought I would be the girl who talks like this but really, I can't even with his eyes. 

"It is," I reply sincerely. Honesty is fundamental to me.

"She might have hinted that you find me attractive," he says and winks at me. He is just getting cuter by the moment and I want to kiss him so bad. "Mia behave!" My inner voice yells at me.

"I do," I say and just as the words are out of my mouth, I realize what I've done. Shit!

"I think you're beautiful yourself Mia." Before I can say anything back, my stomach growls and makes a loud noise that I am pretty sure he can hear. Why can't the universe let me enjoy one compliment without fucking it up? Wait, he, William Kent, thinks, I, Mia Dawson, am beautiful. 

"You haven't had dinner," he says. He's a genius at stating the obvious. He thinks I am beautiful, I want to twirl.

"I usually eat after I drink." I lie; I don't eat at all after I drink, alcohol is enough calories and eating after 8 is a sin I haven't committed in the last 2 years. His eyes securitize me, trying to read my face and I think he knows I am lying but he lets it go. Thank god. He takes out his phone and starts texting. That is not rude at all. I take out my own phone and scroll through Instagram. He thinks I am beautiful. I can just about contain the butterflies in my stomach.  

I don't really have anyone to text. From the corner of my eyes, I can see that he's kept his phone in his jeans pocket and he is staring at me. Should I be straight up and ask him? He thinks, okay stop, I know. Just one last time okay? 

He thinks I am beautiful. 

"I need something from you," I whisper, almost guiltily. Why is it so hard for me to ask for what I want in life? I am terrified of rejection and I would never ask a stranger for something so important but I really don't have a choice here.

"Ask away," he says and lights another cigarette. This man smokes like a chimney and if I did not have a thing for bad boys, I would hate it. Unfortunately, I do ...

"I just got a job at an amazing company to do a job I have no idea how to do." He probably did not understand a word of what I said. I need to be clearer. How do I say it? I fidget with my hair knowing I shouldn't but that calms me down a bit.

"So, you want a job from me?" He asks calmly. He has an unusually unruffled demeanor. Is he on Xanax? 

"No, I have a job." I reiterate. I never knew that would be the problem of my life. 

"So, what do you want from me?" How do I say it without wanting to hide under my blanket and never come out?

"I want you to teach me how to do my job." 

"What is your job?"

"I am a sex and relationship writer." He has his poker face on and I can't tell a thing he is thinking. He takes his hand and places it near his chin. He has a slight shadow of a beard and I want to go on my tippy toes and touch it. Even before my inner voice is back, telling me to behave, I tell her I am kidding. 

"Is this a proposition to fuck because let me tell you, it's pretty fresh." His eyes are brimming with an emotion I don't understand and he is trying so hard not to react to me. Oh my – does he think I am propositioning him for a hookup? There is no way this is going to end well for anybody. Especially me. 

"You don't understand. Shit... I meant that ... Fuck... That is not what I am saying at all ... No. That is not what I meant." I want the ground to swallow me whole. I would really like to disappear NOW.

"What did you mean Mia Harriet Dawson?" He asks with a smirk on his pompous face. I really want to punch him in the teeth. 

*If you enjoy reading my work, don't forget to vote on it. If you want to give me any feedback/ constructive criticism, comment down below. I update regularly, so make sure you are following me to keep up with the story. 

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