Sometimes you gotta pop off.

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I am not sure if I am relieved or slightly blue that he kept the phone. I untie my hair that are unruly curly due to the condensation of the shower. I can see what I am doing but I can't control my own body and my own mouth from doing the things I am doing. I am not having a psychotic break down, I promise. At least I hope not.

"Apply some makeup and wear a bra goddammit," I tell this drunken chaos of a woman but she instead decides to drink some more champagne. She twirls out of the bathroom and takes a few more swigs. I hope Hannah takes the bottle away from her.

"Are you okay Mia?" Han says and continues to walk behind me. Take the bottle away from me please, I want to beg her but somehow my voice is not the voice she can hear. Drunk Mia controls my vocal cords.

"Can you like give me a heads up the next time you have some random man over for a shag?" I have been wanting to say this to her for a while, I am almost relieved Drunk Mia said it out loud.

"Yeah sure, it was just in the moment and he had his roommates trying out FIFA19 so we just came down here. I hope you don't mind," Shouldn't she be a little considerate towards her own roommate as he clearly is?

"Actually Hannah, I do mind. We share a house together and I would prefer if you ask me before bringing a man over because it is a tiny ass place." I spit out the things I have been wanting to say to her since Freshman year. Is she never going to think about anyone other than herself?

"Jeez M, calm down. It's no biggie," she downplays my feelings once again. I hate it when people do this. It is a big deal if I feel a certain way about it.

"It is a biggie and I can't live with you any longer if you don't grow the fuck up. We are not in college anymore. I don't want to walk around you fucking some random dude on our floor. Weren't you supposed to help me set the kitchen up?" Drunk Mia yells at her and I am not sure if I am okay with that or not. I have never spoken to her like that before.

She takes a step back and I can tell she's struggling to justify her actions. I would rather she just apologize, for once.

"I am here, we can do it right now," she says in her ultra-sweet voice she reserves for men. Am I a pawn she is using like the men in her life? The thought itself makes me want to throw up or is it the alcohol. I keep the bottle on the floor.

"I already did it, thanks so much for all your help," I snidely assert.

"Mia you're sloshed and clearly anxious about the move. You really need to calm down. Do you want me to get you some water? Have you had something?" Am I being unreasonable and overly demanding?

"Hannah just shut the fuck up and go suck somebody's dick. Leave me the fuck alone." Drunk Mia shouts and barges out of the house.

"Where is she going?" I demand answers but I don't think she can hear me very well. I can't even imagine the damage control I'll have to do in the morning.

She's taking the stairs instead of the elevator and I am glad that even drunk she is keeping up with her promise of doing so. It's just 4 floors and she somehow stumbles her way to the main door in one piece. I am almost proud of her.

Kent should be here in 10ish minutes and I have no idea what she plans to do in the meanwhile. As she opens the front door past the lobby, there is a group of 5, err or is it 7 people? I can't really see too well. They are all smoking something and I hope she stands on the other side, waiting for Kent.

Nope, not tonight. She goes and stands near the people, smiling and swaying with the wind. Soon people are introducing themselves and I can't even focus on the names. Who are these people and why are they being so nice to me?

"Do you smoke?" This athletic tall man with dreadlocks asks me, what was his name? Did he introduce himself before to me?

"I would love to," drunk Mia complies and I want to punch her in the face. We only smoke socially with friends and we barely know this guy, however gorgeous.

Drunk Mia takes a puff and starts coughing her lungs out. What is in this cigarette? Somebody offers her something in a solo cup and she takes a sip, expecting water except it is not water, it is some warm cheap beer that tastes like piss.

A car stops in front of the building and everyone, except the girl lighting a cigarette look at the car. There are two things even drunk Mia are sure of, Kent is here and the royal blue Rolls Royce in front of me costs way more than my 5 years' worth of salary. He steps out of the car in a black suit with his hair slicked back and the girl who wasn't looking earlier is now staring. Is it weird that I almost feel bad for him at this moment? He can't help but generate attention wherever he goes and what if he doesn't want it?

He is standing in front of me now, looking mouthwatering as ever and the second our eyes collide, a smile kisses his face. I drink his beauty in, taking a moment to appreciate the sex appeal around me. People aren't talking anymore, that's the thing about his presence, it just feels so important that you want to observe him.

He places a hand on my spine and I shiver involuntarily. Drunk Mia makes no attempt to hide her fascination with her and before I can... wait.... NO MIA DON'T YOU DARE!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I yell at drunk Mia

Drunk Mia turns around and wraps her arms around Kent's torso and places her, our head on his chest.


He hugs her, I mean me, I mean us, he hugs us, whatever you get the drift. He hugs back and I... can't fucking breath. He smells of expensive perfume and cigarettes, it's oddly endearing, like the smell of New York. It's harsh and in your face yet subtle for who it is. I inhale his scent and feel a rush in my head.

"Don't you pass out on him again Mia!" I instruct drunk Mia strongly.

"Hello there Miss bubbly," he whispers in my ears and casually strokes the back of my head. I can't, what? I... me... Mia Harriet... what do I even say?

"Liam!" Drunk Mia exhales loudly and then twirls, in public. Goddammit! I will never be a lady in Kent's book ever again.

"This is not your bathroom Mia, please behave yourself." I request drunk Mia to hold onto the last shred of dignity I have left. I wonder what my inner voice is doing right now. I think she has given up on both Drunk Mia and I and is vacationing in Hawaii.

"Shall we?" Kent asks politely.

"I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!" drunk Mia sings and then bursts into fits of giggles. 

I officially disown this embarrassment of a human being. We walk towards the car and he opens the door for me.    

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