What we've all been waiting for part 1

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"How was your day?" I ask, as I enter the car and sit on the side. He's texting and I don't think he has even registered my existence yet. I take the moment to take in the gorgeousness that is making the air around me thicker. His beauty—it intimidates the fuck out of me. With Nate it different... we are on the same level but with Liam—it's like he's just so Greek god-like for a mere mortal human like me. He is wearing a crisp white shirt that is rolled up to his elbows, no tie today and it's kinda sexy. I can see his pectoral muscles peeking through, taking me back to the picture I saw in the morning.

After the lunch—yawn I had today, I know deep down I won't find anybody as exciting as I find William Kent. He is making his way into my veins and crawling in my bones. His phone rings.

"Give me 5 minutes," he tells me before picking up the call. What is with people getting 10x times more attractive when they don't give you attention?

He's not looking at me and he's talking to somebody on the phone and he's driving but never before have I been grateful for New York's traffic. It is rush hour and he will have to stop the car soon enough. I want to touch him — I know I shouldn't but he's reached for my hand before. It's like we've broken this barrier already, right?

"Maybe you are being too forward..." Inner voice suggests but it's 2019—what is wrong with being forward? It's not like I am sucking his dick.

"Yet..." Inner bitch whispers and I disregard her unrequited comment.
I reach for his hand that is on the steering wheel and what is with guys driving stick shift cars?

"Stop making excuses Mia, you find him just as attractive when Wilson is driving the car," Inner bitch snubs me.

Bitch-2, Mia-0
Liam lifts his fingers at my touch and places his fingers on top of mine—caressing my hand. I feel a shiver travel down my body — holy fuck—why does something so simple feel so intoxicating?

"Just make sure we confirm that with Ron," Liam says on the phone to someone.

He gently interlocks his fingers filling up the space between my fingers perfectly. I ignore the wave of electricity that travels through my entire body.

I push my head back on my seat and take in this moment. Who would have thought this would be my life?

He's done with his call. Yay! "My day was the usual. How about yourself?" He inquires.

So formal — I miss the warmth in his voice. Maybe if I talk a little, I'll make him loosen up.
"It was awesome! I had my first article published on the official website of Substance, had lunch with Nate... explored the Times Square market and have plans for beer and drinks with Hannah and the boys later." Do I sound like the social butterfly I am not? Because hello I am Mia! How and when did I become this person? New York is already changing me—I don't want to change. I belong in a library with books and hot cocoa and puppies.
"The boys?"
"Just some random dudes that live in our building and helped us move in — I think Hannah was talking about them or maybe our neighbors." Do I sound as stupid as I feel? I legit have no idea who the boys are that we 're celebrating my special day with. Just Hannah things I guess. Sometimes I think she's afraid of being alone, maybe that's why she's always trying to fill the silence with people around her.
"You've made a lot of friends in the two seconds you've been in New York." He sounds pissed... what did I do? It's not like they are my friends. Maybe I should clarify.
"It's Hannah — she's the social one. I just tag along, I am her side kickish." I don't want him to think of me as somebody I am not. I have no one of significance in my life other than him — if he even wants to be considered someone in my life. Which I highly doubt he does right now. Maybe sometime in the future, we are still just getting to know each other. He has a slight stumble thing happening on his jaw and I want to touch the squarishly angular edges of his face with my tongue—I am horribly attracted to him, okay?

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