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(a/n) hi! I'm trying hard to improve this book, because I know that the plot is seemingly basic now, but that's because the important and key parts of the story haven't come yet

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(a/n) hi! I'm trying hard to improve this book, because I know that the plot is seemingly basic now, but that's because the important and key parts of the story haven't come yet. be patient and I will try not to disappoint. I'll appreciate advice and feedback ♥ love, becki.


jimin gulped, trying to swallow his nervousness, trying to “man up”. there was no excuse, he'd have to call yoongi.

pulling out his phone, he quickly typed in his location and a short message, thumbs stumbling, nearly frozen off by now.

he reminisced on the previous conversations held with the jung siblings and jin, trying to occupy his mind. had they really talked for that long?

with a high pitched sigh he let himself lean against the wall, a haunting wind forcing him to bury his reddened nose into his jacket, hands seeking warmth in his pockets. oh, why on earth had he forgotten yoongi’s hand warmers, especially when he needed them most!?


some minutes went by, each second agonizingly longer. his watch read eleven forty.

wait wasn't the driver service only available until ten?

his hair stood on end as he realized that yoongi wouldn't come. “fuck…”

he stood there, the ominous silence being the only thing he could perceive, and he almost screamed when he heard some voices, muffled, but audible enough. the gruff tone made him want to run away, heart accelerating painfully.

so he backed away, biting his upper lip, a sign of evident frustration.

but something stopped him ; his phone had fallen out of his pocket, and as he bent down and grabbed it, something else caught his eye. a flower, stem bent, visibly stomped on. it had once grown and thrived, living between the cracks of the pavement, but now it was lying, there, petals starting to turn brown, life come to an end.

as he cradled it in his hands, pouting, he felt a presence behind him, an inadvertent cough.

“hey, you're looking lost, cutie. want me to take you home?”

he jolted, turning around. he couldn't see the face clearly, but it was a rather tall male, rather big.

he felt uneasy and terror spiked in him when the man started edging closer, and the flower fell from his hands, landing with a graceful sigh on the cold floor.

jimin was terrified, stumbling to his feet, eyes shining and big.

“g-go away,” he muttered, as he caught sight of some headlights in the distance. a car.


he took a run towards the approaching vehicle, the idea of yoongi and safety being his only motive, but before he knew it, he was being dragged into an alley by the man, hands groping at his sides as he stood there against the wall, petrified under the man’s gaze.

he heard the car come to a halt, and steps, running towards him.

the coward of a man who had grabbed him, let go as soon as he saw another figure approach. he disappeared into the fog, never to be seen again.

“get the fuck out!!” someone screamed, jimin whimpering in confusion.

the next thing he knew, the person was holding his hand, tugging him towards the car.


once inside, a gush of safety rushed over him, and he was safe, and could finally open his eyes. they had entered the car so abruptly that now, jimin found himself slightly lying on yoongi’s lap, in his uber. the smell of the jet black leather seats instantly soothed him, as the older, who didn't know what to do, gazed up at him in worry.

he buried his face in the crook of his neck arms pulling him closer, a weird feeling rushing down yoongi’s spine.

“did they touch you,” yoongi whispered in a dominant tone, to which jimin nodded, eyes tearing up.

the older couldn't blame him, though. jimin was just innocence, with his muffin cheeks and cherry blush, alone in the night, too alluring to go unnoticed. he was truly unique.

“you should have waited until I reached you, not run away from him like that,” he scolded, but softened at the sound of guilty sniffles.

he was trembling furiously, as yoongi's hands rested awkwardly on his waist, unknowingly comforting him.

“m-m’ sorry,” he mumbled.

“hey. it's ok. hyung’s here,” he let jimin relax into his embrace, his sobs dying away, slowly but surely.

he began to feel strange, and weirdly nervous. when he received jimin’s text, his initial reaction was to throw the phone away, not giving a fuck, but as soon as he realized the time, he changed opinion. he had wondered where he was, so late, and alone.

he rarely worked after hours, but he was so infatuated with the younger that something forced him to go and see where he was, if he was okay.

and when he had found himself with the horrifying sight of him, defenseless, being grabbed and groped by a rusty old man, he had felt this…this sense of possessiveness over the younger, almost as if he was jealous.
so even though he was min yoongi… boring, grumpy and useless, he let jimin hug him. the younger needed comfort.

the younger… needed him.


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