What? Cat got your tongue?

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(Chapter 3- What? Cat got your tongue?)

(*The three furries Ruby, Katie, Johnson, and the human David went to Yard House and went to their table. Their table was outside with a nice view of the stores and cars driving pass on the road. They each sat down at the table the boys on one side and girls on the other. They enjoyed their dinner and had a nice chat as Ruby, Katie, and Johnson we're curious about what kind of specie David was.)

(1st person of David)

"So... are you ever gonna say your species David?" Asked Katie. I'd try to come up with a total lie inside my head and I just figured it out right when Katie asked me that question. "Well when I was born I didn't came out so good and I looked like a total mess as you can tell." They stayed silent listening as I continued talking, "My birth had many DNA mix in with it and kinda ruined my looks... a lot." Out of no where a voice said, "Well your total mess birth wasn't a mess. It was a HOT mess." I'd blushed a bit and turned around to see a waiter behind me. Katie, Ruby, And Johnson looked at the waiter too. The waiter was a cat with black fur and bright green eyes. "What? Cat got your tongue?" She said. After a small silence of awkwardness the waiter decided to take our orders.
(Btw waiters at Yard House aren't too nice like that waiter. XD)

"Well that was... weird." Johnson said out of the blue. "Hey David at least somebody liked your looks!" Ruby said all in a humorous way. We all giggled and laughed a bit not for long though. "So... where are you from anyway?" Asked Katie. "Out of town I used to live in the state right next to this one..." I responded not knowing what to say. "umm... there's not just one state there's a few, which one?" Katie said in a curious way. Katie folded her arms looking at me like I was a big weirdo. "The state on the north side on this one." I responded again. "You don't know the states do you?" Ruby said looking at me with a serious look. "Umm..." Before I even got a chance to speak Ruby jump in again. "You don't even know the country we are living now do you?" Ruby said with a tense look. I'd shake my head with disappointment. "Guess you aren't the clueless one at this table Johnson." Ruby said with another serious look. Johnson looked at her not knowing what she said this whole time. "Huh?" Johnson responded. "Where you even found this guy anyway?" Ruby said with frustration. "At Wolf Bucks, the place you guys first saw David." Johnson responded. "wait, wait, wait..." Katie said in a even more curious look with her arms no longer folded. "Did you just meet this man today? Literally 5 hours ago?!" Katie ask as Johnson head nods yes. Both Katie and Ruby look at David with a "wth" look. I'd had to say something or I'm a goner so I decided to be truthful this time. "I only wanted to get coffee but then Johnson talked to me and we started to hang out chilling. He also paid for my coffee since I lost my wallet some time ago without me noticing until I was at the coffee shop." I'd said calmly as possible trying to sound not even a bit nervous. "But me and Johnson get along well like... I don't know... just... sorry for coming if you didn't wanted "new guys" around here hanging with ya." Ruby  oddly started to relax herself and lay back chilling on her chair. Johnson was looking at me feeling sorry for me. Katie sighed and said "No, no, its fine, We just wanted to make sure you weren't using Johnson or anything. Johnson is a good friend to everybody even sometimes the jerks who treat Johnson poorly." "Well note it down in your brain of yours that I am for one you don't have to worry about." I said in a calm voice no longer nervous. "If she had a brain." Ruby said with a smirk on her face. Katie looked at Ruby as she roasted her, then they gotten into a playful teasing about stuff to each their. "They are just like sisters." Johnson said with a bright smile. "Shut up!" Katie and Ruby said playfully and then went back into teasing each their. "Wait... David if you didn't bring any money with you then who did?" Ruby realized and look at everybody who was sitting at this table. "I have a few bucks in my pocket." Johnson said. "I spent it all on my new cloths I have when we went shopping earlier." Katie said. "Why would you even do that?! Save at least a few dollars and not spent it all in one day!" Johnson said to Katie. "I couldn't help it! It was my parents money anyway so I wouldn't care if it went up in flames." Katie responded to Johnson in a panic tone. "So... we either clean dishes... or make a trip out of here quickly..." David said giving two ideas to the group. It was kind of obvious of which choice we chose so we wouldn't waste time.

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