The Two Gangs

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(1st person of Lex.)

I was being held by Rico as he brought me downstairs as Rick followed. "Everybody! We got important news." Rick shouted as everybody that was either doing something or talking stopped and pay full attention to Rick and Rico. "We need to prepare quickly! We are going to be attacked by The Moon Spartans and if we don't act fast we'll be dead Furries." Rick announces. The crowd was a bit shock and some gave angry looks of hatred and desire to kill. "Not only that... but we got to decide about our member... Lex." Rick shouted as I look around fearfully. Rico whispers into my ears "You're a dead man." I tried to ignore it however I couldn't. "Lex was at the docks were four of our men died but apparently spared by not only one Moon Spartan gang member but was used to track down our hideout and expose us to them," Rick said as everybody gave me a look of wishing me to either suffer or die. I looked at Rick with the fearful look and spoke honestly "I didn't expose you guys they knew! They only wanted me to send you a message!" I yelled. They didn't seem to believe me as I worried. "Who cares? Truth or not they gonna kill us all!" The girl that was with the furry at the staircase earlier. "We have to dip out of this place quickly!" She shouted again. "No, they have us surrounded right now as we speak..." We then hear a car driving on the road ahead of our hideout as we knew... they are here. "Shoot him in the head and get it over with it!" Rico asked Rick. "I know what we could do with him... however not here though... lock him up in the closet. Rico stayed silent wishing to kill me but forcefully taken me to the closet. He tied me up with rope onto a wooden chair and put me in a really small closet with barely any room to breath. He then locked it from the outside and went off. I couldn't see anything, it was dark and all I saw was the light coming from the other room through the bottom of the door. After that... I heard people planning, arguing and people fighting each their but it was our gang doing it to ourselves. Then they finally got their shit together and started doing what they planned for.

(3rd person of the battle!)

Both sides we're ready, everybody knew what was gonna happen next. Nobody was gonna takes hostages and gonna retreat. Both sides wanted blood and it shall begin. In the hideout, Skull Breakers send 2 people on 2nd and 3rd floor as the rest guarded the 1st floor. The four above was staying put and shooting whoever they see outside. The people on the first floor also the same floor Lex was locked up in the closet were keeping an eye out and watching and waiting for the moment to shoot and fire. On the other side across the hideout on the other side we're a group of thugs and with creepy masks walking down the pathway towards the road which was across on the other side was the hideout. On the road were a few cars and vans from the people that were in the hideout. The Moon Spartans we're tired of waiting so they attacked by the front and sides of the hideout. There was screaming, panicking, blood, and gunshots. The Moon Spartans have much more men however not the same firepower the Skull Breakers had. However the Skull Breakers we're losing. The men at the windows on the 2nd or 3rd floor were either dead or bleeding to death while unconscious. There were rows of dead men on the first floor that was not only The Spartans but almost all the Skull Breakers. However, the violence stopped. There was no more fighting. The Moon Spartans clearly won that through planning it out long before it happened and outnumber the Skull Breakers. However... Lex was not killed. Not only that but a group of three of Skull Breakers escaped alive or bodies haven't been found, clearly one of them was the leader Rick. The other two was lucky enough to survive however the people that escaped didn't escape with Lex, they left Lex in the closet still. Lex was waiting inside the closet sitting there with sadness and regret. Lex regretted taking the place of one of the members of Skull Breakers. Lex wanted to just go back home and cried to sleep while being hugged by his mother. Lex finally noticed how much he missed his family and regretted his life choices. But then... Lex's "worse fear" opened the door as she'd was standing there with blood all over her. Lex looked up at her with an emotionless face. Then... they all heard cop cars driving towards the hideout and the shooting. They heard the alarm as Jagger said: "Okay boys... take this dude with us... he was the messager." Two dudes grab Lex and put a bag over his head making Lex not being able to see anything.

To be continued...

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