First Day of Furry School

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(3rd person of the policeman at the camp... 20 minutes later after the tragic.)

"Shall we take these hoes to the station now?" Officer 1 said as he was standing next to two vehicles with two kidnappers each in each police car. "Yeah, we should take them to the police station and start investing." Another police officer said. As Zack walked back the officer hearing their conversation as Zack then realized there was only four. "W-Wait... officers! Is there only four of them?!" Zack questioned. "Yeah What is it, son?" Officer 2 said as he stood there next to the other officer. "There was five of them... not four."

(Five days later...)

(1st person of Dave at his house.)

I woke up from the bed as I rubbed my eyes and can't still believe that I'm in a furry world even when I lived for more than a week in this world. I got up and did my normal morning needs. But then I gotta a cell phone call from Katie. I was in the kitchen as I was eating my breakfast and I picked up the phone and answered "Hello?" "Hey, it's me, Katie. So what school are ya going too?" Katie questioned me as my eyes opened wide and I spit my circle with milk out of my mouth and onto the kitchen counter. "Oh god damn it!" I complained as I made a mess and hating myself for it. "What happened?" Katie asked. "Oh, nothing just made a mess... that's all. Anyway, my first question is.. what school are YOU and everybody else going too?" I asked. "Oh? Pretty much everybody you know is at Fearless Tigers high. Weird name but yet again the sports teams there really do excellent." Katie responded. "Okay, thanks bye!" I said as I hung up on the phone.

Katie: "Ugh! Rude!"

I got my phone and search up the location of where Fearless Tigers High is. Next minute I have the location of it. Hey, only a five-minute walk not so far thankfully. I decided to leave the house as I cleaned the kitchen counter first and clean up everything and started heading out towards the school. After a few minutes, I finally made it to the school but it seemed empty probably because it was still the weekend. I walked over to the front door and knocked on it. I waited for quite some time and knocked again and then finally a lady who seems to be the front office who seems a little bit in their 40s and she was a sheep. "So sorry! What do you want young lad?" She asked worried about me waiting outside for too long. "Oh, I just was looking into joining the school maybe... before school starts?" Dave asked the lady. "Oh erm... you got to talk to the principal about that. He's over down the hallway and once you reach the very end of it turn left and turn right again and go upstairs and his office will be right around the corner." She told me politely. "Thank you very much," I responded as I followed her directions. "No problem." She responded as she sat down at the front desk. "So she's the front office lady I see," I said in my head. A few minutes later I made it to the principal's office and I knocked on the door and instead of waiting I opened it right next. As I opened the door what was in front of me was a tiger in a blue suit with a red tie and a dark oak desk with a green desk lamp with papers, pens, and his laptop on the desk. He sat there as looked at me and I looked at him back. "Hello, sir I am looking into starting at this school," I asked him. "Erm... where are your parents?" He asked me. Oh great he's one of those furries... great another questioner. "Not here, are around sir. I'm by myself, sir." I told the principal. He seemed a bit confused and surprised. "Who are you exactly?" He asked as he folded his hands on his desk. "Dave Boston. I'm out of town and I'm seeking for starting here as a student." I responded calmly. "I see Dave. Here take a seat. If I'm gonna let you come to my school I must have to ask many questions and... having you sign papers your... parents or guardians should've sign instead but since you are all by yourself you could." (Note: Not all the laws are da same)
He told me.

(1 hour later...)

"Well thank you Dave Boston. I'm looking forward to you coming to our school." He said as he opened his office door for me and I left waving goodbye and he waved back goodbye. "Have a good afternoon!" He told me. "You too," I responded. As I walked down the hallway as I almost made it to the stairs somebody in my tracks stopped right in front of me as he stood there. I looked up at his face and noticed he must've been once of the teachers getting prepared.

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