[SUMMER SPECIAL] Shopping and Sharks

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(1st person of Dave.)

During that night Amy drive around town dropping off me and Elizabeth. Me and Elizabeth we're quite the whole time during the ride meanwhile Amy was trying to get to know us and talk. Yet again Amy asked me of "who was I." However, she'd seemed to not believe the part of me being "born different" however Elizabeth was one of those very few furries I meant so far who haven't ask me about "how I look and who are you?" When we drop off Elizabeth I moved up to the front seat with Amy. Elizabeth seemed to live 10 minutes away from the street where I and the couple (Chris and BlueLight) live in. I was just glad to be safe for now... I know I'll be safe for now because of that crazy furry wouldn't drive right into our car with some truck or van right..?? Thankfully that didn't happen and when Amy was driving me home she'd started asking questions of what's with Elizabeth and me. Amy for a second thought me and Elizabeth "have something" going on between us and we broke up but I just simply told her Elizabeth been having a rough day with personal stuff that is kinda secret but plus I told Amy I was single and so was Elizabeth I think. Through the rest of the drive, Amy blasted pop music which sounded weirdly good since it was not only from a furry world but the words actually tell you actually what is happening and what they are doing, somewhat like a story. Guess the music isn't of course actually the same since I'm in a different world, I'm just thankful that these guys could ACTUALLY speak English and have internet. When Amy dropped me off I said thank you and I appreciate it and all of that. When I got dropped off I quickly speed walk my way inside and lock EVERY window and close all the curtains and locked the front door and back. I lay down on my bed-hopping the crazy lady didn't found out the location of where I live which is literally a couple of houses away from the party. That's why I couldn't simply run away straight into my home. I had a bit of a hard time sleeping not gonna lie if somebody ever chased you and you might have gotten an attack, killed, or even... anything bad really... that night you would probably have the worse time sleeping. I am eventually fallen asleep after I toss and turn on my bed and sheets just wanting to end the day by sleeping peacefully.

(Still 1st person of Dave)


I woke up to the hearing of a phone ringing. It was mine and it was in my pocket. I sit upon my bed throwing the pillow that was on my face onto the ground as I answer the call not even bothering checking on who it was. "Hello...?" I asked. "Hey, it's me, Johnson... I had fun last night. I assume she found you and you guys had a nice night huh?" Johnson said in a humorous way. "WHAT?! No! I didn't even give her the CHANCE to touch me and matter in fact she sounded like she wanted to kidnap me!" I said seriously but a bit blushing a little while talking. "Well... whatever you say, bro." He responded. "Hey, I and a group of my friends are heading to the beach near your home. I was wondering if you wanna go too!" He asked me. "Um... sure... I just need-" I said until I realized saying I don't have a swimsuit will only make a lot of suspicions. Like come on not having a swimsuit is like not having at least one picture in your house. So I responded again by saying "Never mind I will see ya at the beach. When?" "Today! I'll see ya at 1:00!" He said as he hanged up on the phone as somebody got in the way of his call. "WAIT?! Today? Hello? Johnson hello you are there?! Speak to me SOLIDER! SPEAK!!!"

(3rd person of Johnson)

"Mom! Give me back my phone I was calling my friend!" Johnson cried. "Not until you take out the trash!" Johnson's mom responded as she pointed to the front door. "Heh... but... UGH fine..." Johnson said as he put on his shoes went outside and taken out the trash.

(Back to 1st person of DAVVVVVVVE)

I look at the clock it was 11:30! I have somewhat enough time I thought to myself. I then just realize... I live nearby the beach... getting there won't be the problem but finding a store that sells swimsuit is the problem. Probably somewhere near the grocery store that I saved that man from. I thought to myself as I got up and went downstairs to make some nice breakfast. After I made myself breakfast I ate up quickly as I was watching the clock in my kitchen tick. When I finished my breakfast which was a nice bowl of cocoa cereal! I rushed to the door put on my shoes and left the house and made sure I locked it... and ran off to find a swimsuit! Something I thought I'll never rush to get.

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