Attempt and failure

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(Everybody's statues repeat)

Dave - Fine
Johnson - Fine
Crystal - MISSING.
Katie - Fine
Austin - Unknown.
Nick - Fine
Rose - Unknown.
Elizabeth - MISSING.

(1st person of Dave)

I was sitting inside of a cabin with all the windows and doors shut and locked as I stay hidden inside the building looking for anything that would help me in this kind of situation. I found a wooden baseball bat but I highly recommend using moral sense and words before I do anything else. I'd left the case full of pop on the table in the middle of the one-room cabin as I was looking under beds, inside of cabinets, and on top of shelves and tables. Unfortunately, the only thing I found that was useful was the baseball bat. I was kinda panicking a little... a needed to calm down I said inside my head. I tried to calm myself by getting a pop drink and drinking it enjoying the taste and flavor of it however it barely helped at all obviously. Then I realized I have to warn my other friends before it happens to them! I can't let a bat sweep people from the ground and take them off to wherever. I have gotten up and put my pop on the table unfinished as I grabbed my baseball bat and walked over to the front door and unlocked it and soon as I opened it. Austin came rushing inside as he was panicking in fear as he crashed right into me. We both fell onto the floor but thankfully not on top of each there. I sit up and look at him with shock and asked: "Everything okay?!"

(3rd person of Dave & Austin.)

"No! Nothing is fine right now... we need to get help fast!" Austin said as he has gotten up quickly and closed the door. "What? Is there some crazy bat flying in the sky sweeping at everybody's head?!" Dave asked as he stayed cautious of his surroundings and looked through the windows to make sure nobody else was following him. "N-No... some crazy wolf kidnapped Rose... I don't know where they went... but there was... y-yeah also a bat there and she tried to catch me but then I ran into this cabin and found you." Austin said as he lay back against a wall catching his breath while in fear. "We need to find Johnson or Katie or Eva or... anybody else!" Dave said as he went up to the front door. "W-Wait Wait!" Austin said as he rushed over to Dave and removed his hand from the nob of the door. "What? We got to act fast!" Dave said. "But how will we defend ourselves?" Austin said. "I have a baseball bat that... is old and made of wood but who cares," Dave said as he showed Austin his bat. "I think I kinda care because that... would matter a lot for our sakes," Austin responded. "Okay, your right about that but we don't get all day so let's move," Dave said as he stared at Austin. "Alright let's go, man," Austin said finally being a bit brave. Dave opens the door as it was still raining less outside and the thunder seems to completely stop. Dave led the way outside as Austin follows him as they both we're very cautious of their surroundings. They followed the dirt pathway as they walked into complete darkness.

(3rd person of Johnson and Katie.)

Katie led the way as she walked into the girl's cabin but apparently the door was still wide opened. Johnson was a bit frightened as he followed Katie. "Hello? Is anybody there?" Katie shouted. "I guess not... where did the fresh bloody hell everybody went?!" Katie questioned out loud. "I don't know but nobody just disappears," Johnson said. "Unless some purple wolf snaps their fingers with the-" Johnson said as he was joking around until a loud sound of something that sounded like tin cans falling over in some other room. "What was that?!" Johnson said as he and Katie looked in the direction of the sound. "Only one way to find out..." Katie said as she walked over to the other room and opened it and saw... nothing unusual. "What? This isn't funny! Somebody probably pulling a prank on me at this point this is actually getting scary..." Katie said as she crossed her arms and said to Johnson facing towards him. "This isn't a prank! I don't know what's going on." Johnson told Katie. "Let me see your eyes then," Katie asked. "What? Why?" Johnson asked curiously. "So I can find out if you are lying or not," Katie responded. "Your horrible at lying and sometimes when you do lie you end up laughing or rolling your eyes," Katie said. "I'm not!" Johnson said as he showed his face to Katie and tried to act serious but his eyes kept looking away from Katie and Katie knew that he was hiding something. "I knew it! You and everybody else is pulling a prank on me!" Katie said as she thought she figured out the real reason. "It's not that Katie!" Johnson said as he couldn't keep eye contact with Katie and kept looking at the pictures on the wall. "Oh really then what is it then?" Katie asked as she started to get really frustrated. "I'd u-Ummm... I-I-I.." Johnson mumbles as his face started to get a bit red. "I-I... wanted to... tell you s-something K-Katie.." Johnson said as he got closer and actually keeping full eye contact with Katie. "W-What is it?" Katie said as she blushed slightly pink. "I-I... kinda... like you more as an... Well..." Johnson said as he has gotten real close to Katie as Katie backs up into a wall. But then...

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