2 AM Snack Run

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Dean: A soft knock at your door woke you up. "(Y/N)," Dean hissed. "(Y/N), get up."

You sat, rubbing your eyes as Dean peeked in. "What?" you asked. "What's wrong?"

"I wanna go buy a pie. Come with me."

You gave him a confused look. "Right now?" You asked.

"Yeah, come on." You rolled your eyes, smiling a little.

"Whatever." You stood, following him to the car.

Sam: "Sam," you whispered, shaking him. "Sammy."

He opened his eyes and looked up a you groggily. "What?" he asked. "Are you okay? Is everything alright?"

"No," you said. "It's half left and I'm hungry. We don't have any food. Come with me to Taco Bell."

"There's leftover pizza in the fridge," he argued.

"Exactly. We don't have any food. I'll buy you stuff if you come."

He smiled a little, standing and pulling on a shirt. "I do love burritos," he said.

Castiel: "Cas!" you called from the library. "Hey, Cas!"

He popped in. "Are you okay?" he asked, looking at you with concern.

"I've been reading Latin all night..." you said, trailing off. "And I kind of forgot to eat dinner."

"Would you like me to get you the usual?" He smiled a little.

"I love you, Cas." You smiled, kissing him gently.

"And I, you." With that, he popped out again.

Charlie: "(Y/N)," Charlie said, shaking you a little. "Let's go get ice cream."

You sat up in confusion, rubbing your eyes. "What? Char, it's like two in the morning," you said.

"Exactly. Ice cream time."

You smiled a little at her. "If you buy me a Blizzard."

"Obviously." She smiled, handing you a shirt. "Get dressed."

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