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It's almost time for Hope and I to leave. I gave the kids their iPads so they could chat while they're separated.

Dave has been on me like white on rice. He doesn't want me out of his sight. It's like he thinks I'm going to leave without telling him anything.

"Dave sit down, I'm just going to the bathroom"

"Why can't I come with you?"

"I want my privacy" I chuckle shaking my head getting off the couch. He stood up following me, sighing I just let him come. "Dave I'm not going anywhere yet chill out"

"I don't want you to leave me" he mutters folding his arms "I got separation anxiety you can't leave"

"We already went over this I have to leave. I've got a business to run in Cali"  I mumble flushing then toilet going to the sink

"Move it to New York so you can stay with me forever"

"I like living in California"

"I like having you here"

"And I like being here but I'm ready to be back in my house. You know they place where I pay bills at"

"Liyah can you stay at least one more day? Please?" he begs hugging me from behind

"No I already told everyone I was coming back today"

"Oh my God" he groans squeezing me then letting go "Ima die"

"Stop being dramatic you'll be fine. Focus on your career and Kairi. Before you know it two months will pass and we'll be hanging out on the beach eating ice cream"

"I'll try, promise to answer every time I call you even if I piss you off?"

"Yeah yeah I promise"

"I don't like this, you can't leave me" he shook his head looking at me through the mirror.

Washing my hand I rolled my eyes.

"I'll call and text you all day long if that's what you want but you need to calm down"

"Yes do that" Dave nods

"Okay I will"

We left the bathroom going back to the couch. Dave laid his head on my lap watching tv, massaging his temples.

My phone rang from beside me, checking to see who it was I answered.

"Hey bro"

"Wassup you on the plane yet?" Mike asks sounding like he's in a car

"No I'm still at Dave's house"

"You need to head out now"

"I'm not supposed to leave until two hours from now. What's the rush?"

Dave looked up at me worried, I gently pushed his head back down.

"I changed the times, don't question me hoe what's wrong with you? Go now!"

He hung up causing me to groan.

I don't feel like hearing Dave's mouth about me leaving earlier than I'm supposed too.

"Babe, get up" I told him. He did looking at me like I killed his cat.

Jogging up the stairs I got Hope and I's suitcases and along with my backpack.

"No" Dave drags out, throwing his head back once he sees me coming down the stairs

"Mike changed the flight times I have to go now" I sighed going to put the bags in his trunk.

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