RIDE 6 (Here we go again)

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Every day may not be good
But there is something good in everyday.:unknown:.

Ace's p.o.v

After I dropped off Rosa  I got back home walking to my room I heard mom and dad mentioning my name so I listened I to the conversation, " your son is a failure he is ruining our reputation !" I heard mom shouting at dad who is looking at her with furry, "we made our son that way we never gave him the love parents give to their kids we ruined his childhood and now I'm trying to fix things with him ,but you're over here worried about our reputation you're his mom for gods sake!!!!" Mom stared at him like he hurt her "who told you I don't care about our son of course I do ,but his behavior is outrageous and he needs to change it or I will not call him my son anymore!!" And with this I got into the room making them both look at me shocked " who are you to talk about behavior you never act like a mother all you care about is your reputation and what you will say to your friends so can you please stop acting all caring when you're a two faced bitc-!!!"

And with that said I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek mom was staring at me with furry I saw a hint of regret but it disappeared quickly I looked at dad and he was staring at mom with shock and anger ,I was used to mom bringing me down with her words but she didn't hit me for a while now, but to be honest I'm not even surprised.

I got out of the house running forgetting about my motorcycle all I wanted to do was get away ,where no one would find me but no one ever gets what they wish for.

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