RIDE 14 ( Halloween disaster pt.2 )

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You have as much laughter as
You have faith :Martin Luther:

Ace p.o.v

Shit! Shit! Shit! It's been about half an hour and I already lost Rosa I went to get her a bottle of water cause I don't want her to get drunk and I told her to stay where she is damn it!

I was looking around for her and I had this feeling that she is in trouble and the feeling got worse when Ashley the bitch tried to talk to me being all flirty, disgusting. Something was fishy I got the female dog off of me and went upstairs .

There was a crowd forming in the balcony that's above the pool they were screaming things like .

"Do it!"

"Come on I'm not losing this bet!! Jump!" A boy yelled .

I pushed through the crowd and I found Rosa standing on the ledge and my heart stopped flashbacks of that night came into my mind. I pushed through the crowd and I found one of Ashley's bimbos pressuring her into jumping .

"Come on don't be a coward  its not like your gonna die and plus its a dare you should do it" she said with her annoying voice .

As I got closer to Rosa I told her to get down but she was too drunk to understand I was about to go get her down but the bimbo pushed her , Rosa caught the ledge I quickly pulled her up , her face was so pale I hugged her calming her down.

I heard Ashley and her crowd laughing I pulled away from Rosa and got closer to them Ashley's eyes widened in fear ,but her boy toy got in my way I punched him on the jaw he was trying punch me back but I kicked his legs making him fall.

I got closer to Ashley and held her wrist so hard It was going to bruise I'm against hitting girls but she was getting on my nerves.

"Look I swear to God if you go near her again I will snap you neck!" I squeezed her wrist harder making her wince and then I let it go I wrapped my jacket around Rosa and we got out she was still shivering from fear so I took her to a diner.

I ordered us strawberry milkshakes and we sat down I held her hands and gently squeezed it .

" look I don't know why I'm doing this or why I can't get myself away from you but as long as I'm here I'm going to protect you OK?"

She nodded and got to the seat beside me and hugged me I hugged her back we stayed like that for sometime until I pulled away and took her home .

"Look since this day was ruined because of me what about we have a sleepover and watch some movies?" She said

"OK sure"

And with that we stayed up almost all night watching chick flicks.

(Thanks for reading I cried writing this chapter knowing that I will never have an Ace)😭

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