RIDE 13 ( Halloween disaster pt.1 )

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You don't always need a plan
Sometimes you just need to breath trust and let go and see what happens:
: Mandy Hale :

Ace's p.o.v

So its Halloween and one of the cheerleaders are doing a party at their house Rosa has been begging me to go with her but I refuse to go.

"Ace pleassseeeeeeee!" She begs with her adorable puppy eyes but I won't budge.

"No" I tell her

" come on please for me I will do anything you want just please come with me to the party!" She begs one last time .

"OK you said your gonna do anything ?" I ask just to make sure.

She nods her head yes .

" I will come to this stupid party with you if you agree to come and have dinner with my dad and I at my house ? " I know its stupid but my dad really wants to see her and won't stop bugging me until she comes and meets him.

" okaaaaaayy sure is that all you want because you know I would of agreed without you doing this !" She yells dramatically.

I nod and she smiles .

" OK so we are gonna wear best friend costumes ?" She asks me .

" sure " I answer .

"Okay so what about tom and jerry or Mario and Luigi ,maybe lilo and stitch?"

I shake my head no "what about the purge costumes ?"I ask knowing she might not like the idea but her response surprised me.

About 4 hours later we were getting ready at Rosa's house I was painting Rosa's face ,when I was done I told her to not touch her face till it dries.

I painted my face and while I was waiting for it to dry Rosa went to her room to get dressed

I was already dressed in a black leather jacket and white jeans with a white T-shirt with small rips and blood on and some combat boots.

Rosa got downstairs she was ready she was wearing a white crop top with blood on it and some high waisted black pants.

She looks so cute even with the ridiculous paint on her face.

We got to the party and kids were already passed out on the floor and its still 7:00 pm .

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