RIDE 23 (secrets, tears ,and a kiss?)

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Yes I'm changing by :Tame impala

Ace's p.o.v

I was finally allowed to leave the hospital, Rosa was helping me get inside my house when we heard a guys voice assuming it was my Dad Rosa dragged me towards the voice cause she wants to say hi.

When we got inside the room the scene in the front of me was disgusting.

Rosa's p.o.v

As we entered the room I saw a woman who I assume is Ace's mother on top of a guy making out. I quickly looked at Ace he looked speechless and his mother still didn't notice us so I tried pulling Ace away ,but he snapped out of his daze.

" wtf are you doing?!" He snapped looking really angry .

"When I thought you wouldn't get any worse you cheat on my fucking dad!!

I try calming him down but he doesn't notice me as he was staring daggers at his mom.

She looks at him unfazed and with a smug smile. " do I seem to care? Just go and tell your father. And for your information I never loved your father and you Ace why can't you just be perfect why did you have to be this ugly why aren't you good at school why are you soo worthl-."

I couldn't stand listening to her saying this to Ace.

" Don't you even dare complete this sentence you disgust me how can you call yourself a mother! You are saying all of these horrible things about Ace and Mr. Jackson, while you're over here cheating on your husband and insulting your child. I don't know what else i can tell you , but you're a horrible human being. "

The woman in the front of me looked angry yet shocked and I didn't want to hear what she was going to say next so i pulled Ace out of the house with me.

When we got out I got him into his car and I say in the drivers seat since Ace was still not able to drive.

I looked at him and his eyes looked empty. He was almost like the Ace I saw in the beginning of the year.

We didn't talk at all through out all the ride , but I had one question running through my head. Why did Ace's mom say all of these horrible things.

When we got to my house I helped ace to my bed so he can lay down I started getting out his medicine when he started talking.

" I was never the perfect child " he started I looked at him confused.

"I used to be a bit chubby when I was young and my mom never liked it she would never take me any where with her and Dad she would always tell me " you don't look the way I wanted you to look" and as a kid I always thought it was all my fault since even my classmates would bully me because of my looks."

His expression remained cold.

"When I turned 14 the bullying got way worse and that's not only at school but at home as well. So I started working out till I lost weight. And when I got into highschool I started becoming very popular and I finally thought people will except me but the teachers would still give me dirty looks and my mom would call me a disappointment to the family. "

He took a deep breath and I held his hands .

"So one day I finally decided that I will never belong and that people will never except me so I got on the school's roof at night and I was about to jump off but the genitor caught me and called the police before I did. And since then people think I'm a weirdo and an outcast."

His eyes were getting filled with tears. He is the bravest person I know and he is the sweetest , and the kindest he was just misunderstood.

I quickly wiped his tears and hugged him he was sobbing hard and I kept on trying to calm him down. I never saw him that way and I broke my heart. I pulled away and put my hands on his face .

"Ace you are the most kind , brave and beautiful person I ever met and I will always have your back and i-"
He cut me off by putting his lips on mine I immediately kissed him back his kiss was very soft.

He pulled away and said something that shocked me.

"I really really like you Rosa Samuel."

I smiled and pulled him back for a kiss.

"I really like you too Acey!"

His eyes were filled with happiness.

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