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The next few days, Tai and Tiffany's relationship was starting to look up. Unfortunately, Tiffany was noticing a pattern, every time when Tai is over at her apartment, the only thing they do now is makeout and she wanted a more meaningful relationship that is not only based on kissing or sex but love. They were once again on the couch in a heavy makeout, Tiffany pulled away to catch her breathe while Tai continued to trail down to the side of her neck.

'I really need to talk to him, I don't want our relationship based on sex only, it has to be more than that'

She thought as she gently pushed Tai away but Tai continued to suck on her neck but Tiffany tapped him a bit harder to get his attention. Tai finally pulled away and looked at her.

"What's wrong?"

Tiffany let out a sigh as she grabbed the notebook and pen that were left on the coffee table and began to write.

"Can we talk?"

"About what?"

"Well for starters, I would like to get to know you more. Is that okay?"

Tai chuckled as he smiled.

"Of course its okay"

"You won't get mad?"

"Of course not"

"Is our relationship only based on makeout session?"

Tai frown in confusion.

"Of course not"

"Okay then, are you only dating me because of the baby or is it because you actually love me?"

Tai remained quiet as he read the question, trying to think of an answer while Tiffany waited patiently. Tai cleared up his throat and Tiffany notice a small blush creeping up on his face.

"At first it was only for the baby, but after getting to know you I began to fall for you"

Tiffany raised an eyebrow.

"How can you fall for me, if all we do is makeout?"

"Its not only about the talking but I'm honestly am falling for you because of your personality"

"What about my personality?"

She asked with a light blush on her face. Tai chuckled.

"Well, you're kind. You help people somehow and someway, you are considerate to others opinions. You're smart, beautiful and well me I was the total opposite. I was always jumping into different relationship but I never went to far like how we did together"

"So basically a slut"

She offered.


"A sinner"

She added.

"Well yeah..."

"A whore"

"Easy on the name calling"

He said with with a slight glare as Tiffany laugh. Tai just smiled.

"So what do you like about me?"

Tiffany immediately stopped laughing and blushed brightly. Tai simply grinned.


He pressed. Tiffany then began to write.

"Honestly I always had a crush on you, and that night I felt like I was in a dream which was the reason why I went to that next level with you"

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I'm telling you now"

"Tiff, I'm serious"

"I confess, I loved you more than I let on but you weren't ready for it and I wasn't going to pour myself into hands that couldn't hold me, so I figured why would someone like you have patience for a girl that's a mute."

Tai smiled as he grabbed her hand in his intertwining their fingers together.

"I do have patience but sometimes I just do things without thinking. Tiff, I'm letting you know now that you don't have to worry about this being only a sexual relationship or something, I want this to be real so don't doubt us okay"

Tiffany smiled softly and nodded.

"Besides with some hard work, dedication and perseverance, we won't have to worry"

Tai said as he leaned over and kissed her on the lips. Tiffany smiled and quickly thought of something and wrote on her notebook.

"What do you think its going to be?"

Tai smiled as he placed his hand on her stomach rubbing it in circular motion.

"I'm not really sure, I would like for it to be a boy, because that way I can play soccer with him"

"I want a girl"

"You already have a name for it?"

Tiffany grinned as she stood up and went to retrieve a book and came back to sit beside Tai.

"A baby book?"

He asked. She nodded happily and opened it up and reveal a highlighted word.


Tiffany nodded happily. Tai smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Sounds nice, I like it"

Tiffany grabbed her notebook.

"Imagine when the baby starts to kick, I bet it will be one heck of a kicker since you do play soccer"

Tai laugh.

"Before that happens I'm apologizing now before the baby kicks"

"I have an appointment tomorrow, you're coming right?"

"Of course I won't have practice until later in the afternoon, so every thing is good"

"You know I am concern about one thing?"

Tai frown.

"Tiff, you know you are not suppose to worry about anything, it will stress out the baby"

"I know but this is important. What if everyone at school starts talking about you only being with me because your parents forced you because of the baby"

Tai smiled as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't worry about what they say, people are always going to talk"

Tiffany sadly looked down with her smile disappearing. Tai notice the look and smiled as he placed his hand on hers.

"Tiffany, to be honest I don't have the words to make you feel better about that, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about and a heart, a heart that's aching to see you smile again"

He said softly. Tiffany slowly lift up her head and looked to Tai smiling again.

"You sure do know what to say"

"Whatever comes to the heart, I speak up"

Tiffany smiled as her lips moved but nothing came out. Tai frown and Tiffany frowned as she realize she forgotten. She wrote on the paper.

"Sorry about that I said I'm sure you do. Honestly everytime when I'm with you, I feel like I can talk"

Tai smiled and kissed her on the lips. As he grabbed the baby book.

"Since you found a girl's name, let's find a boy"

He said excitedly.

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