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After Tiffany woken up, Tai and Jennifer explain the whole story and surprisingly Tiffany actually believes them. Tiffany handed Jennifer a note.

"Not many people could do what you did and I thank you for your bravery and your courage for allowing us to be together"

Jennifer happily hugged her mom.

"I love you mom"

She said lovingly. Tiffany was about to write but Jennifer stopped her.

"You don't have to write it, you're action speaks more"

She said looking into her mother's eyes.

"Now how about we get little Jennifer and go celebrate?"

Tai suggested. Jennifer and Tiffany happily agreed for the small family reunion. As they all went to the Kamiya's home, Tai introduced and explain the older Jennifer to his family.

"But she's the same age as you"

Susumo said confused. Tai sweat drop as he explained for the third to his parents luckily Kari understood fully. Agumon and walked up to the older Jennifer.

"Where is your partner?"

"Right here"

Jennifer said with a smile as she took out her digivice.

"Agumon come on out"

She said and in a flash of light particles of data made a form into Agumon making a solid appearance. The female Agumon look to everyone as all eyes were on her in surprise. The female Agumon looked to her partner in confusion.

"You already told them about it?"

"Yeah they know"

Jennifer answered. The female Agumon raised an eyebrow.

"Really even the part of Tai having...."


Jennifer said with a nervous laugh as she covered her partner's mouth.

"What was that?"

Tai asked along with everyone else. Jennifer smiled sheepishly.

"Well, like how I'm you're future daughter, this Agumon is actually you're Agumon's offspring"


Agumon said in shock as he looked to the female Agumon that Jennifer put down. Agumon took note that he was taller than her but still there are other Agumons out there in the digital world.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I was in the digital world in my timeline and ran into an Agumon which is you and you has this Koromon which is this Agumon here in your arms. I found out you were partner up with my Dad"


Agumon said as he had a look to his daughter and smiled.

"You sure can take a punch"

"I learn from the best"

The female Agumon said with a smile.

*Two Weeks Later*

"You're going to make me watch my ownself?"

Jennifer said as her mother handed the baby to her. They were currently in the bedroom, Tiffany was happily getting dress with a smile as she put on a jacket and wrote on a notebook.

"You're father said he wanted to take me out for a special dinner and plus that I needed to get out of the house more"

"Well okay then"

"Don't wait up"

"Knock, knock"

Tai said as he tap on the door with a smile as he looked at Tiffany.

"Well well well, don't you look beautiful as always"

Tai said as he wrap his arms around Tiffany's waist and gave her a kiss on the lips lovingly. Tiffany happily smiled at him.

"So I don't mean to interrupt you're moment but what are you guys gonna do after dinner?"

Jennifer asked. Tai looked at his daughter and gave her a wink.

"Just don't wait up"

"I know I know, Mother told me already. If I didn't know any better, it seems like you guys are actually going to a hotel"

"Now Jennifer don't get any bad thoughts into your head"

Jennifer playfully glared at him. Tiffany smiled as she handed her daughter a note.

"Make sure you feed the baby, change her diaper and put her into bed"

Jennifer smiled at her mother as she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Yes mom"

"Don't stay up too late either"

Tai said as he and Tiffany were making their way to the front door with Jennifer and the baby in her arms trailing off behind them.

"What time will you be back?"

Jennifer asked at that Tiffany also looked to Tai for an answer. Tai smiled as he spank Tiffany on her butt.

"We'll be back tomorrow"

Tai said with a grin.

"Well since you guys will be leaving me without dinner. I will order some pizza"

Jennifer said.

"Have a good time. Bye"


Tai said as he and Tiffany left.

*Next Morning*

Jennifer woken up by the smell of sausages and pancakes. She got up and greeted her Dad who was surprisingly up early sitting on the table. As soon as Jennifer sat on her sit, Tiffany limped from the stove towards her daughter and showed off her new engagement ring. Jennifer gasp and happily stood up hugging her mother.

"Oh Mom congrats and you too Dad"

Tai smiled as he raised his coffee as a thank you.

"Is this what dinner was for?"

Jennifer asked. Tai smirk before he took a sip.

"I propose to her at dinner time and we went to celebrate afterwards and we didn't get home around 5 in the morning actually"

Jennifer was about to comment but saw her Mother limping in her walk as she headed into the kitchen. Jennifer made a disgusting face.

"TMI Dad"

"Hey it was how you were born, so don't complain"

Tai said with as he sip his coffee.

"So when are you going to tell the news to Grandma and Grandpa?"

"Later in the afternoon, but in a bit I'm gonna go hang out with my friends and explain to them that you're not an enemy since I haven't got a chance to explain to them"

"Maybe Aunt Kari already told them?"

"Maybe but just to be sure"

"Well then since you are going out, I made plans for mother and little me and I to go shopping at the mall."

"Sounds good"

Tiffany then walked towards them with a smile as she put down a couple of plates and sat down as everyone began to eat happily.

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