Family First

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Tiffany stood nervously in front of the Kamiya's apartment door and gently knock three times. It didn't take long for someone to answer and it reveal to be Kari.

"Hi, Tiffany right?"

She asked. Tiffany nodded with a slight smile.

"Well come on in"

She said opening the door. Tiffany had her notebook ready and held it up to Kari.

"Is Tai here?"

Kari smiled.

"No he went out with his friends, so its only me and my parents just like you wanted"

"Thank you"

Tiffany then walked inside the apartment as Kari closed the door. She lead Tiffany into the livingroom where Yuuko and Susumo were waiting. Kari had already explained to her parents that Tiffany is a mute. Tiffany and Kari sat on one couch while the parents sit across.

"So what seems to be the issue?"

Susumo asked. Tiffany bit her lip and cast her eyes down.


Kari asked but was surprised when Tiffany handed her a note and began to read out loud for her parents can hear.

"I just want to start off by saying I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. It was just a one night stand, and I tried to do the right thing and tell Tai that I'm pregnant but he never gave me a chance. So I figured he wants nothing to do with the child, which is why I came here, because you guys have the right to know but since Tai didn't want to give me a chance then I think it would be best he doesn't know"

Kari was in shock at what she just read along with Yuuko and Susumo. Yuuko broke out of her trance.

"Oh sweetheart, h-have you told your parents?"

She asked. Tiffany wrote on the notebook and handed it back to Kari.

"I already told my mother but she's ignoring me now"

"So you're on your own?"

Kari asked. Tiffany wrote on the notebook once again.

"Oh I still live with my mom, but it feels like I'm alone"

Yuuko nodded in understanding and looked to her husband who nodded to her with a smile. Yuuko, looked to Tiffany and stood up surprising the girl as she pulled Tiffany up and brought her into a hug. Tiffany gasp and smiled as she buried her face into her shoulder and started to cry, finally letting all her emotions break down. Yuuko softly rubbed her back soothing.

"Its okay, you're not alone. We will help you every step of the way even with or without Tai because this here is still part of our family"

She said as she gently pulled away to place her hand on Tiffany's still flat stomach. Tiffany smiled with pure joy shown in her eyes.

"Of course we'll help but Tiffany be honest why do you really don't want Tai to know?"

Susumo asked gently. Tiffany gently pulled away from Mrs. Kamiya and grabbed the notebook and wrote on it before handling it to Susumo to read out loud.

"I don't want to bring him down, it will ruin his reputation and I don't want that to hurt him because of the baby."

"Aren't you being a little modest?"

Kari asked. Susumo handed Tiffany back the notebook as she wrote again and handed it to Kari.

"I was raised that way"

"So Tiffany, I was just curious. How did you and Tai ended up doing it, with you being all quiet and all."

Tiffany blushed and wrote on the notebook.

"I honestly had a crush on Tai for the longest, and he recognize me from class. We were at a party celebrating for the team's win and we started talking, and one thing led to another"

"You said Tai didn't give you a chance, what do you mean by that?"

"He already had a girlfriend and it was just a one night stand so I'm pretty sure he would want to keep it secret"

The Kamiya family were surprise, just then the door open to reveal Tai. Tai looked up when he saw all eyes on him, he narrowed his eyes as he saw Tiffany. Tiffany tried to avoid his gaze as he casually walked up to her placing his arm over her shoulder.

"What's going on here?"

He asked looking towards his family. Yuuko and Susumo didn't know what to say but luckily Kari came up with a brilliant plan.

"I bumped into Tiffany here, and she told me she is part of your class"

Kari said hoping her brother would fall for her bluff. Tai looked at Tiffany and backed to Kari and shrugged. Tiffany quickly went to a fresh new page and began to write.

"I'm on my way out anyway, it was nice meeting you all"

The family read it and smiled but Tai raised an eyebrow.

"I'll walk you to the door"

He said not bothering to remove his arm around her as he lead her to the door. Once Tai opened the door he leaned close to Tiffany's ear.

"Let me read your notebook"

He said sternly. Tiffany pulled away from him and pulled the notebook close to her chest and shook her head fearfully. Tai glared at her.

"I hope you weren't telling my parents about what we did, because there is no way in hell that Kari bumped into you on purpose. Now I'm going to say this nicely because I like you as a friend, stay away from my family."

Tiffany quickly nodded her head with her head low. Tai grinned a little.


He said as he closed the door on Tiffany. Tiffany let out a sigh as she began to walk away. Not too far down the hall way the mysterious girl was looking and overhearing the conversation.

"Pff, what a jerk"

She said with a scoff rolling her eyes.

"Let's go, Agumon"

The girl said to her digimon.

"When are you going to confront them?"

The female Agumon asked. The girl smirk.

"Patience is a virtue"

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