Half Of The Truth

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Its been a couple of weeks since that strange encounter with the girl. Tai has been walking up and down every street trying to see if he can find her but nothing.

'This is hopeless, she's found only when she wants to be found'

He thought as he stopped walking and trying to think of another plan.

'But then again this whole time I been walking ahead instead of back, what if she is actually following me'

He thought as he looked back but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

'Let's just see if I'm right'

He thought as he continued to walk ahead more slower this time and turn a corner into an alley and quickly hid in the shadow. He waited for a few minutes, until finally he saw a figure walked into an alley.

"Hmmm, where did he go?"

The figure said quietly looking into the dark alley, before the figure had a chance to walk away, Tai lunged at her pressing her hard against the brick wall. The girl gasp in shock looking up at an angry teenager.

"Why are you following me?"

"I just want to talk"

Tai glared at her but nonetheless agreed. They went to a park that was more isolated. The girl sat on the bench having her legs dangle on the edge swinging her legs while Tai stood standing crossing his arms over his chest.


Tai stated harshly causing the girl to stop swinging her legs.

"I'm only going to tell you half of my story. I don't care if you believe me or not but I need to be honest with you for you won't think I'm a creep"

"Fine then"

"I'm not from this timeline"

She stated simply. Tai froze and looked at her in confusion.


"I know I know, as silly as it seems but I'm not from this timeline. I came from the future"

"Okay let's say I believe you. How do you know about me and Tiffany and the other digidestineds?"

The girl jumped off the bench and stood up placing her hands on her hips.

"Because I just do"

"Yeah, right. How do you know where Tiffany live at anyway?"

"I live there"

Tai raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"I live there. How else do I explain that?"

"What's your name?"

"I can't answer that"

"You said you wanted to talk and so far you are not giving me any answers"

Jennifer cast her eyes down.

"I'm sorry okay, its just I would be in so much trouble if you were to knew"

"Okay okay. Then tell me why are you here?"

"I just wanted to look into the past"

"And find what exactly? You said you wanted my attention when we first met"

"Because I didn't see you in my timeline, so I was curious to come to the past and see you"

"Why am I so important to you?"

A Night To RememberNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ