Can We Talk....Again

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"I thought you were going to tell them the whole story"

The female Agumon said looking to her partner. Jennifer let out a sigh as she look to her family having a picnic together, she isolated herself for she can think clearly. Its been two months since the secret was revealed but apparently Jennifer was holding back.

"But look at that, my family is happy. I don't want to ruin that"

"But its your responsibility. They have to know"

"Maybe they don't have too"

"Its about having a clean conscious Jennifer"


Jennifer said as she stood up from sitting on the grass and looked down at her partner with a sad smile.

"Just my Dad, my mom is depress as it is"

She said walking away to her family who were on the picnic blanket. The female Agumon let out a sigh as she also followed to spend some time with her Dad. As Jennifer approach she saw her baby self asleep on her carrier, as for Tai he was staring into his fiance's eyes with love and lust hovering on top of Tiffany who was laid down flat on her back looking up at Tai with love and lust. Out of the corner of Tai's eyes he saw Jennifer and smirk.

"I think we might make you another brother or sister"

Tai said as Jennifer smiled sheepishly while Tiffany blushed as she wrote a note.

"All I did was set the baby down on her carrier and your Dad jumped me"

Jennifer giggled softly.

"Yeah right, its how you did it"

Tai said with a grin looking down at her.

"Dad, can I talk to you?"

Jennifer asked nervously. Tai got off of his fiancee and helped her sit up. He notice a nervously look on her face.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I just want to talk"

Tiffany notice the strange look and wrote on a paper.

"Just only your father?"

Jennifer nodded.

"Is it something I should be worry about?"

Tai smiled and kissed Tiffany on the lips.

"Don't worry if it's a problem, I'll settle it"

He said as he got up and followed his daughter. Once Jennifer saw she was far away from her Mother's ear, she turn to face her father and let out a sigh.

"What's going on?"

"I left some parts out and I think you should know about it"

Tai looked to Jennifer in concern.

"Is this about the future?"

"Mhmm, remember when I said I couldn't find you in my timeline, well I lied. I did found you"

"Did you approach me?"

Jennifer sadly looked down and shook her head.

"I couldn't"

"Why not?"

"Because you already had another family"


He said in shock.

"You are working for the united nation diplomat for the world and the digital world like how you are working in now. Although, you are divorced and have a son."

"Why didn't you go tell my future self about who you are?"

Jennifer looked up to her father.

"And what? Would you have believe me?"

"Well not entirely.."

"So you see my point. Dad if I was to go back to my timline, this whole encounter changes everything and I..."

Jennifer began to trail off as she began to sob. Tai softly pulled her into a hug.

"Hey its okay"

"No, its not"

"Yes it is, you are making it more difficult then it has to be"

He said as he rubbed her back as she cried on to his shoulder.

"Ssshhh, this is what I want you to do. Whenever you go back to your timeline, I'm not rushing you or anything but please talk to my future self and tell him about Tiffany"

"What if he doesn't remember"

Tai smiled as he pulled back from the hug and placed his hands on her shoulder.

"Nobody forgets their first time they have sex with someone"

Jennifer smiled as she wiped away her tears.


"And I'm not planning on leaving you're mother any time soon. I love her too much"

He said as he looked to the distance and saw Tiffany setting up the food.

"She's a good lady"

Jennifer smiled as she looked to her Mother.

"Yeah, she sure is"

"You know her birthday is coming up soon"


"And I think I know the best present to give her"

He said with a grin as he put his hands into his pockets as he turn to his daughter.

"Are you planning on telling me"

"Sure just don't tell her, but I been saving up a lot of money for to get this procedure done"

"Which is?"

"To get her voice back"

Jennifer gasp and happily smiled as tears gathered in her eyes as she happily hugged her father, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Oh Dad, this is great. Mom will love it. How come I never thought of that?"

Tai laughed as they pulled away.

"Don't get me wrong its a bit expensive but you're mother is worth it and she deserves it. So remember keep this as our little secret"

Jennifer nodded, as they made their way back to the picnic blanket where Agumon and his daughter were busy eating and Tiffany was feeding the baby. Tai sat beside his wife and gave her a kiss on the lips before popping a grape into his mouth. Jennifer sat beside the two Agumons. The female Agumon looked to her partner with a questioning look.

'Did you tell him?'

Jennifer seems to understood and gave her a wink.

'Everything is better now'

She thought as she took a bite of her sandwich happily. As they were eating, Tiffany put the baby over her shoulder and patted her but as she was patting her the baby threw up falling on Tai's shirt on his shoulder. Tai groan but just removed his top shirt since he had another one extra.

"Thank goodness I came prepared"

He said as the others laugh.

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