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I woke up, running my fingers through my hair. I heard soft snoring and looked at my phone. It was off but sounded like the snoring came from there.  "What happened?"  murmured, picking up my phone and turning it on. I see Jimin's face clearly in the camera. 'We must've called..' I giggle quietly. I noticed Jimin turning to the other side, groaning. I lay back down, watching his side slowly go up and down. 'At least he's peaceful..' I thought. After a few moments of watching him sleep... I see he turned towards the camera. I smile, "Good morning sleepy.." Jimin laughed noiselessly and it was so cute that I wanted him to laugh more. I sit up on the couch, seeing him standing up and setting his phone on the nightstand or what I assumed was the nightstand. He lifted his shirt up and over his head, throwing it to the basket of clothing. I saw his abs once he turned around, then my thighs began to feel hot, my mind already going to dirty thoughts. I wanted to be topped, I mean stopped. I shake my head and rub my eyes. "So what are you planning to do today?" I question and he picked his phone up, "I'm thinking of just hanging out with you." I blush, I look away and then back at the camera, smiling and chuckling softly.  "Are you serious?" I questioned. Jimin nodded back, "Of course. Why wouldn't I? After all you seem like a good person to hang out with." I denied Jimin, "I'm not fun... I'm boring." I laugh. He shook his head, "Not to me.. I really enjoy your presence and your energy.." Jimin winked at the camera in addition to kissing it. My heart stopped, it felt like it before it started pounding like a rock against the floor. "J-Jimin.. You, don't have to hang out with me.." I tried denying him, "Say my name again." I sigh quietly while letting out a soft "J-Jimin..". "I like hanging out with you because you're obedient but that's not the part I care about the most. I care about you and your personality because it's so.. strong." I nod, "Well, my brother did raise me up right." Since my mom was mentally handicapped, and my grandparents were sick enough to be bed ridden.. I had to depend on my brother who was currently 25. "Alright, I can't fight.." I paused, wanting to say something else but ended up thinking, 'You're so seductive.. so Hypnotic..and intimidating..'. "Well, let me get a shirt on and I'll come pick you up within a couple of hours after my photo shoot." I nod.

After some hours of waiting, I heard a knock and I jumped up, racing over to the door. I almost tripped before I caught myself against the wall. I was nervous because I wasn't sure if Jimin heard me falling. I straightened out myself and grabbed the handle, slowly pulling it opened. Jimin stepped into the door frame, looking at me. "Hi.." I step aside to let the male through."Hello.." Understanding what Jimin said. My facial expression slowly grew into a smile, glad to have him back in my own home. "Well.. what do you have in mind first?" I questioned, "Well, let's go to a restaurant." There was that evil smile again but it slowly turned into a smirk. He poked his tongue out between his lips, flicking it up to lick his upper lip. My body trembled, watching him move his tongue. My first thought always was 'What does that tongue do.' Then I  shivered slightly before nodding, "Alright..." Jimin opened the door again and we walked out, turning left then I felt his strong hand on my waist, his other hand on the other side of it. An evil idea came in mind so I stopped and he walked into my back side. I let out a soft sigh when I already felt his hard member pressing against my butt. "I know what you're thinking.." Jimin growled then we both laughed. I began to walk again, feeling Jimin's hand grab mine tightly. I tried to not let thoughts get to me but they did anyway so I whined quietly. I noticed Jimin looking at me and he asked, "What was that?" I shake my head and laugh, shrugging, "It's nothing.." "Okay." We continued walking for another block, then two and then that turns into three. We already passed the gym, "How long do we have to go?" I questioned, "Not that long." I smile, continuing to follow Jimin.

We reached the restaurant but Jimin still had a tight grip on my hand, not letting go. "Is this it?" I questioned, he nodded. "Yes, it's a fancy steak house. That's why I dressed nicely." I agreed. He was wearing his Blood Sweat & Tears outfit so my body was slightly shaking. I follow him inside, looking around. There was barely anyone so my question was why? I thought it was fancy? "It's not that busy since it's eight o' clock at night." I didn't know how to respond besides just following him. Finally, we sat down at a table near a big window. "I hope you enjoy the food.." He talked low, almost like a whisper. I could respect why speaking  so lowly was appreciated here. The waitress brought our menu's over. My hands automatically wondering over to the menu that sat in front of me. I picked it up, opening it and scanning through it swiftly. I realized that after a couple years of reading fanfic that I could read faster. It wasn't long till I made my choice. My hands slowly move down, facing the menu upwards. After setting it down, my hands slowly moved down it and into my lap. I knew Jimin saw that because I noticed he tensed up. What was he thinking? I giggle quietly and pull my chair in more, my foot now touching his strong calve. "Mm, have you made your choice yet baby?" I smirk slightly, "No." The Korean male forenamed. I continuously rubbed my foot against his calve. I catch a low growl submit from his throat, now that turned me on... I practically wanted more so I take my chair and I scooch further in, my hand caressing his knee before going up to his thigh. "Stop that." Jimin grunted lowly. "Why-" unexpectedly stopped, looking at the waitress that took our her notebook and pen. "What do y'all want?", "I'll have a medium cooked urban steak.", "And I'll have a rare cooked urban steal." The waitress nodded then I looked back at Jimin. We locked eyes, my inner thighs feeling hot like fire. "I promise you'll get your fun soon. Maybe not today." I heard Jimin laugh faintly. He was obviously teasing me so the temptation inside of me was building up stronger plus the tension between us kept getting heavier.

The food was brought over to us so we began eating. 'I can't believe he likes rare..' I say inside my head, swallowing a few pieces of my steak while keeping my eyes on the mochi. We finish eating and I stood up, pushing in my chair while Jimin also stood up. He set the 35 dollars and change on the table. I allowed him to walk in front of I mean after all I did have an idea. We walked outside and I got closer to his back, looking around and smirking. Jimin halted to a stop at the crosswalk. We had to go straight to go back to my apartment. So, while he stood there... I brought my arms up and under his arms, feeling his strong chest through his shirt. "Y/N.." He lowly huffed and my hands wondered down to his waist. I could feel his pants tightening up, along with feeling his spine get rigid. He huffed again once I grabbed his lower part, rubbing it through the cloth of his jeans slowly. Thankfully the street light was out. I continued to rub him for a few more seconds, feeling his rigid spine getting sharper and almost ripping through his clothes. "I said stop.." He grabbed my wrist's aggressively, taking them off of himself. I stepped back, watching the short male walk into the darkness. I sighed. That wasn't an everyday thing but I had to do; to be honest I was glad. I follow him and soon after, I saw him stop. We were only a couple steps away from my apartment so I walked up next to him. "What?" I asserted before he turned. He grabbed my shoulders  and made me turn around. Jimin began walking towards me while licking his lips, making me back up into a wall. His arm went up and against the wall, pinning me there. "Why did you do that back there?" He sighed into my ear and I froze, biting the corner of my bottom lip. "Because, I was waiting for it." Jimin chuckled while he leaned into my ear, "I have to get going." He purred, lifting his arm off of the wall, letting me go. Jimin turned and began to walk away.

I saw him disappear into the dark before I entered my apartment. I slowly and sluggishly take off my coat, hanging it up and taking off my shoes, putting them on the mud mat. "Why do you never... Why do you-" I stopped trying to speak to myself since I didn't know how to put my questions into words. "Maybe one day.. I'll get to.. taste you." I mumble softly. I crawl into the couch, hurdling into a ball shape. I shook slightly, my eyes closing slowly as I began to fall asleep. I was in darkness again. The figure was just standing there again until it slowly moved it's up to where I can see it's red eyes, "You're so unique." I heard the figure bark, falling into the hole bouncing onto a bed of what it felt like... flowers. I couldn't see them. I couldn't scream for help but what started to sooth me was Jimin's smell of dark roses. I tried to call out his name until everything went quiet and I finally fell asleep, sleeping peacefully at once.

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