You Look Familiar..

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I sat there, staring at the piece of paper and not moving my hands... not at all. I shook my head and took a sip of my dark roasted coffee. It tasted strong, it tasted a little bitter and I didn't really agree with it so I just pushed it away.

After a while of just sitting in the chair, I stretched my arms behind me and clapped my hands, beginning to fill out the resume since I didn't have that much time. I had to go to a big building in a few minutes for an interview. I felt kind of excited realizing that I'm going to be working soon and since I've been living with one of my only friends and that I only had a bike to get around on, it wasn't the best but at least I was breathing.

I finished the resume and slowly stood up before something quick darted in front of my eyes. I got a whiff of the scent and it smelt so lovely, like dark colored roses. I shake my head since I was in a daze like state. Everything seemed to pause beside me and the person that moved quickly because I looked over by the counter and saw a short male. He wasn't too short but you could still say he was short. He had fiery orange hair and a chain dangling from his right ear. He had a purplish coat on and some black leather pants. My eyes darting slowly up and down before I got to his neck.. he had a red, almost spotted choker around his neck but it looked like some kind of scarf. I shake my head again and my fingers slightly felt numb 'what's happening?' I mumbled and the male turned around. 'He looks very familiar..' I spoke in my head and I slowly approached, coughing. I stood in front of him and he had some thin eyeliner on, "Hey, you look familiar.. do I know you?" I questioned, slightly fiddling with my hands as the other male looked me up and down before looking deeply into my eyes. "Hmm, maybe. Take a guess then.." he said in a lower toned voice "You look like a Korean idol.. Jimin, am I right?" I smiled slightly and I was already feeling intimidated by him just staring at me. "Yeah, you're right." My heart skipped a beat and I almost fell but I tried to keep my cool. "Cool, you're not with your group?" I wondered since he was alone, holding a cup of coffee in his left hand. I made sure I made little notes inside my head of how he moved, how he spoke and how... intimidating he was.

A couple seconds went by of him just staring into my eyes before Jimin muttered, "We're taking a break from making music for a while, we still hang out but just not as much.." it seemed like he was getting sad over it, I mean I would too if I was in his position. "Oh, that's okay. I'm sure the groups have to do that too I mean you guys are lucky you didn't have to go to the military.." I state and I handed the piece of paper across the counter and a younger girl takes it, looking and scanning it before walking back. 'Not going to say anything... okay.' I say to myself in my head again before looking back at Jimin. He was so stunning and.. I needed to stop these thoughts, we only just started talking and plus I didn't feel like he was interested in our conversation.

We didn't speak much after that, maybe a few more words that weren't really special but that was it before we said our goodbyes and walked away. As I got to the door, I looked at my watch and saw that I was 5 minutes late so I set my arm down and rushed outside, brushing my shoulder against Jimin's slightly, practically bumping into him.

I ran to my bicycle, breathing roughly as I rested my hands on my knees. I got on my bike and started to peddle my long trip to the building. I believed the name was C&R headquarters. While making my way downtown, I couldn't stop thinking about him, his voice echoed through my head like it was a sirens song. My bike wobbled slightly since I was getting distracted from the thoughts that were flooding my head. I shake my head.

Finally reaching the C&R building, I put my bike in the bike rack and locked it. I turned and stood in front of the glass doors, looking up at how high the building was. I sigh and walked inside, looking at the receptionist with short brown hair and glasses. "Hello, I have a job interview with.. Mr. Han." The receptionist nodded and handed me a card. I nodded my thanks and walked over to the elevator section. I pressed the up button and waited.

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