It Was.. A Dream?

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My eyes fluttered open to reveal teary sockets. His arms were around my waist again.. I was sick, still. I shifted a bit to get more comfortable. I heard Jimin's phone buzz and I looked at the coffee table, "Get your butt over to the shoot now." I shiver, that was harsh. I shook Jimin a little bit, his eyes slowly opening to reveal almost fully black sclera's. They glanced at me then the blackness disappeared, turning white. "I think your boss texted you.." I murmur, he nodded. "Ng, I have a photoshoot.. I completely forgot." I sigh, still breathing through my mouth, "Then you should go.." I suggested, "I'll be fine on my own." I really didn't want him to miss his photoshoot since I knew how important it was. "Alright.. if you say so..", I saw Jimin fixing the cuffs of his sleeves, grabbing his shoes and racing out of my apartment. Before he left, he turned around and nodded his thanks, closing the door behind him. I laid back down into the couch, falling asleep.

I woke up, rubbing my eyes to see the darkness of my home. "Have I been sleeping that long?", I question myself, looking around only to sneeze once then twice. My heart whined from the loneliness that I felt. My feet swing around over the edge and I stood up, tilting, obviously not used to my feet since I was sick for the past day or two. My phone buzzed and Jimin texted me, "So, apparently my boss was thinking today is tomorrow so my photoshoot isn't till tomorrow.", "Ah, that's good.", "Do you want me to come by again? Maybe I can cook you some stew?", I didn't want to be clingy despite how much I wanted Jimin to come back. "No, that's okay..", "Are you sure? You know I wouldn't mind.", Honestly you don't have to..", He rejected, "No, you're sick cutie. I'll be back soon.", I let out a big sigh, flopping back into the couch.

I hear the casual ding dong at my door. I stood up, and at a slow pace began to walk towards the door, I creaked it open, seeing the handsome Jimin standing there. My heart pounded out of my chest, he was so gorgeous. He had like a faint purple color on the outer corners of his eyes and in the inner was a darker color. "H-Hi" I choked, my body heating up even when I was sick. Jimin's hand landed on my right cheek, going up and through my hair until he looked ahead and walked in, making me bump into him. My throat felt like it was closing up and I wanted to cough and choke. I felt his sharp painted black nails graze across my left hip. My body tensed up when I felt his lips graze over the surface of my neck with a faint sigh, "Even when you're sick.. you crave me.", I almost fainted, gripping his right hip when he backed me into the couch, hovering over me, I looked into his eyes. Jimin had a smirk plastered across his face when he kissed the tip of my nose, pecking my mouth, moving to my right cheek. His kisses became more frequent as he moved down, nip kissing my neck like it was a meal. "J-Jimin.. I'm s-sick..", I mutter, my hand running up his head to grip the back of his fiery hair that was slowly turning into a dark shade of red at the roots. "That doesn't bother me baby.. I have a strong immune system..", He reassured and I believed it. It was rare to ever see him sick or have the MV's delayed. I nod, feeling his lips go to my shoulder, moving the strap of my t shirt away. "I want you to take off your shirt..", Jimin breathlessly said into my ear. I nod, allowing Jimin to straightened up so he could watch me strip my shirt off. I gripped the bottom of it, slowly tugging it off of my upper body and head. "Beautiful..", I heard him growl lowly, that's when he tugged his shirt off from his head. My eyes glance at his upper body, abs, biceps and made me quiver in my own skin. He put his hands on the back of the couch, on both sides of my shoulders. Our mouths only inches apart. I couldn't- I wouldn't kiss him since I was sick. My body froze up when I felt his soft plump lips against my collarbone. I let out a loud gasp when the contact was made, feeling his hands go down to my waist. I wanted him- No, I couldn't think of the words. I just wanted his lips against my body, those lips haunted me at night. My own hands wondered to his lower back, pulling him closer to where my legs wrapped around his waist. He bit down softly on my bone, making a moan escape from my lips. "A-Ah.. Jimin..", I paused then let the words out. "More."

Jimin's hands went down into my pants, caressing my hips until he pulled me down to where our hips made contact. "Don't think of anyone else but me..", He seductively whispered against my chest while looking at me. "You're mine." He mouthed, his lips opening to grip some of the flesh on my chest. Jimin tugged on it then released it, moving his hands slowly back up my body, gripping my bra clip and unclipping it, allowing my bra to fall to the couch. Jimin's right hand grasped my right breast tightly, that's when I felt his long tongue flick over my nipple sending waves through my body. His teeth grasped the tip of it, pulling on it. My face became flustered once he let go, wrapping his whole mouth around my sensitive mound. I let out a few soft sounds, feeling his other hand grasp my other mound in his hand. "J-Jimin.." I raised my chest, feeling that my right breast went further into his mouth. "(Y/N..)" I heard him moan, "(Y/N)", He called louder, and louder. Jimin's teeth dug into my breast, he began sucking the blood. "(Y/N)!" My eyes shot open, looking to see Jimin over me. "W-What happened?", I question, my voice was in a concerned tone. "You were out for a long time.. are you feeling okay?", The mochi asked gripping my shoulders tightly and shaking me. I was completely out of it. "You should eat.", My stomach growled when the mochi pointed it out. "Or maybe go back to bed." I nod, actually I was exhausted despite how long I slept.

Jimin was curled next to me and I smiled, closing my eyes. I go deep into the blackness again, going inside a cavern. "Hello?" I ask, hearing my voice echo sent scary vibes through my body. There was nothing besides the faint breathing of the creature. "You tasted better than I thought..", I tried to move but I was frozen. I tried to speak but my mouth locked up. "I can't wait until I get to taste you from between your legs..", That's when it disappeared. That couldn't be Jimin.. the voice was way too deep and the grip was way too strong. Eventually; I feel into a deep sleep, snoring quietly and finally sleeping peacefully.

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