Running Off..

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Jimin's strong arms were still around my petite frame, holding me. I smiled and buried my face into the pillow, warming up since I was cold. I curled up more against Jimin, feeling his arms getting tighter around me. I smile more, enjoying his warmth. "I love you.." I moved my lips but no sound came out. I heard a groan come from the Korean boy, that's when I knew he was awake. "Mm.. (Y/N).." he groaned, fluttering his eyes opened. I bet he could only see the top of my head since I was cuddling with him. I felt his small but yet plump lips against the top of my head. "You're so cute, so beautiful.." he held me closer, burying his nose into my hair. "You smell so nice." My cheeks, getting pink slowly. I shrugged "I guess I have a nice smell once in a while.", "Does that imply that you don't have a nice smell?" I shake my head. "No.. I mean, sometimes I forget to take a show-" Jimin's lips crashed into mine. I gasped at the sudden movement. His hands get tangled with my locks, tugging slightly. He began to nip kiss me. I gasped everytime his lips bounced off of mine. Jimin rolled around, getting on top of me. "I want you.." The mochi said against my lips. "I want you too.." I said in an undertone. That's when I saw part of the whites of his eyes almost go fully black. That wasn't human, my fingers got tingly. I knew I was growing hungry for him. He got off of me, stretching. "Should we change?" I questioned, wondering in case we were going to go somewhere. He nodded. I stood up, stretching.

I get upstairs, going through the curtain. I turned to face towards my dresser. I pulled out the top drawer, looking through my t-shirts. I sigh, grasping the edges of my shirt that I was currently wearing, pulling it up and over my head. I gripped the button and zipper of my jeans, unbuttoning it then slowly moving the zipper down to unzip. My hands went around, gripping the hips and shoving my pants down. I felt a pair of eyes on me. Was Jimin watching me? I wouldn't care but I got.. anxious. I grumble, grabbing another pair of jeans but a different, lighter color. It also had rips at the knee. I threw a different colored shirt on before I heard footsteps racing away. My mind clouded and I sighed, 'Did Jimin just watched me change?' I shake my head, wondering what was with him. I grab my dirty clothes and drop them in the dirty clothing basket beside the door. I walked through the curtains looking around. "Jimin?" I spoke loudly, my heart ached. "Hmm, yeah?" I heard from the bathroom. His voice was deeper. I walked to the bathroom. It wasn't far from my bathroom. "Are you okay?" I questioned, seeing he unlocked the door, opening it partly. "Yeah.." he said with his top lip covering something. "Are you sure about that?" I questioned. He nodded, closing the door, "I'll be out soon." He said then I nodded, seeing him lick his bottom lip slowly until the door was closed between us. My heart ached more. I go back downstairs, sitting on the couch and sighing.

Jimin came back downstairs. He smiled and waved, "Sorry.. I felt sick." I nod, "It's okay." Jimin sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, holding me close. "So I was thinking..." I cut him off, "Did you watch me get changed?" I looked him dead in the eye, tilting my head. "Yeah.. I can't lie. I was upstairs because I wanted to tell you what we should do today but once I saw you.. I knew you were busy and I darted to the bathroom because.. well I got aroused." I blushed, "Oh?","Mhm, so now.. I was thinking we should just hang out here again.. I can make some sandwiches.." His thighs. My eyes stared at his thighs. I wanted to touch them. I shake my head, looking away. Jimin tapped my shoulder moderately. That's when I looked back, placing my hand on Jimin's inner right thigh. He looked at me, "Do you nee-" he shivered once I ran my soft fingertips up to his forming erection. I heard him huff a couple of times. It was quick for me, even for him I bet. My hand gripped the forming erection through the cloth of his pants, that's when I began to rub it slowly. Hearing his muffled whines made me want to.. put him in my mouth.. seeing how hard he was.. I looked away, knowing it was too soon for anything other than teasing. My pace quickened then I heard a moan escape from his lips. "D-Don't stop..." He swallowed hard, opening his mouth. "(Y/N..)" he groaned loudly. I saw his canine teeth get sharper? Was that normal? I shake my head brushing it off, I saw his hands gripping the hems of his pants. Jimin began to slowly move down his pants, exposing his v-line. I stopped. He panted. "W-Why did you stop?" He looked at me. "Because it's too soon for anything other than teasing." He nodded, leaning his head back. I wanted to continue, even this was hard for me because I wanted him more, seeing how big his erection got, got me excited to see how powerful it was.

I ran my fingers through my hair. "Why don't we have a picnic in the forest?" I ask, looking at Jimin. He nodded, "Yeah that sounds good." I smile and kiss his cheek, leaning against him. His fingers played with parts of my hair so I couldn't help but to smile more. "What kind of sandwiches would you like?" Jimin murmured against the side of my head. I shrugged. "It doesn't matter.." We both chuckled since we both weren't picky. "How about tuna? Or steak?", "Steak sounds good, yeah." I nod. "Alright." I sit up, allowing Jimin to stand up. I watched every move he made. Jimin walked over to the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing some items for our sandwiches. "Do you need help?" I tilt my head, watching him. He shrugged then shook his head, "I'm good, thanks babe." My heart fluttered but I leaned back, relaxing in the couch.

He finished making the sandwiches, making lemonade and packing it neatly inside a basket. "Alright are we ready?" I nod, getting up. We head outside and began walking towards the nearest forest park. "I've been to this park before.. it's beautiful.." I chuckle, he shook his head, "Not as beautiful as you.." Jimin said once we entered the park. He set the basket down, opening it, pulling out a blanket and setting it on the green grass. I allowed the mochi to sit down first, then I sat down next to him. I pulled out both of the sandwiches and the bottle that contained the lemonade. After I poured the lemonade into cups, I began to eat. "Mm.. this is so good.." I groaned, enjoying the different flavors that entered my mouth. "I'm glad you like it.." Said Jimin through a mouth full of food. I laugh and take a sip of the fresh lemonade after swallowing the pieces of the sandwich.

We finished eating so we just laid on the blanket for a while, enjoying the soft breeze and quiet sounds the birds made. My head was on the rich cakes chest, hearing his heart beat was like my lifeline. "So, when do you want to head home?" He asked. I shrugged, "Whenever you feel like it." Jimin nodded, smiling and kissing the tip of my head. "Well if you want, we can head back now." I nod, already feeling tired since the sun was setting. I stood up and helped Jimin pack the basket back up. Our hands touched gracefully once in a while so I tried to hide my flustered cheeks. We finished packing and started walking back towards my apartment. I held the basket handle with both of my hands, slightly swinging it. He stayed beside me all the way until we reached my apartment. "Well, I have to leave.. I have another photoshoot tomorrow." I nodded, "Yeah, that's important.." honestly; I didn't care, I just wanted Jimin to stay with me. He closed the door for me and I made way to the kitchen, setting the basket on the kitchen table. All of a sudden I just started feeling really tired. I sigh and make my way to the couch, falling onto it. I buried my face into the pillow, shivering as I thought about Jimin's smile. That damn mochi smile that would make my heart bounce. I closed my eyes only to land up in the dark area. The claws still on my shoulders. They dug into my clothing, slightly ripping, "You're almost ready.." said the low voice. It almost sounded like Jimin's? I shivered, "What is that supposed to mean?" I look around but the figure was gone that's when I fell through the hole, landing on the bed with cuffs on my wrists. I squeal, trying to get them off but couldn't. I see Jimin's hands, full of rings on my shin's then that's when I fell asleep, peacefully.

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