More Strange Things..

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((author note: I've updated my writing style a little bit and you'll see it towards the bottom of this chapter. also thanks for being patient with me! I purple you guys!))

I wake up, only to be greeted by the smell of dark Rose's and bacon. My ears slowly adjusting to the sounds of sizzling and soft singing. This can't be another dream, I deliberated. "Won't you save me, save me..", The singing grew a little louder, but it was Jimin and his angelic voice that hummed in my head. I sat up, feeling slightly better than from the other days. "hoseok is supposed to come by today.. " I heard jimin softly say. His sweet giggles soon turned into a couple long lasting laughs, obviously in a really good mood. I nod, swinging my feet over the edge of the couch, and very sluggishly. Jimin soon stopped laughing, it was too bad because I wanted to hear more, my heart flutters when I hear anything from him.
I tried to get up, pushing down hard where mt hands were on the couch,  but I started to fall, a flash of colors came across my sight and I felt jimin's arms wrapped around me. He looked down, "be careful.. I don't want you to get hurt.. " The mochi chuckled, walking me over to the kitchen table and setting me in one of the chairs.
Jimin ran his soft delicate fingers down my covered body and down my thighs until he pulled away, turning around and walking back over to the food he was making. "bacon and pancakes.. " he softly said, and I smiled, how'd he know bacon and pancaked were my favorite? "yes!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands and moving my legs a lot, rubbing my feet against the cold wooden floor, hearing him prepare me a plate, "with raspberry covered toast. " jimin set the plate down in front of me, pouring a glass of orange juice. My heart felt like it went to my ears, causing my cheeks to burn up. "s-stop spoiling me.. " I softly say, getting all shy now from the other taking care of me. "never" he laughed, but why me? Some random girl that happened to ran into him at the coffee shop. I was very curious now.
Shortly after we began to eat; I glanced up at the other, mumbling softly,

"wow this is really good.. I like it" my eyes landing on jimin's lips, feeling heat form in between my thighs

"I'm glad you like it.." the idol spoke after swallowing the pieces he was chewing on.

I anxiously tapped the tip of my toes against the tables leg, taking a few glances from my plate to jimin, enjoying how he looked outside of the window, captured by the beauty of the city, especially since we were on the twentieth floor. I looked out myself, smiling softly as I saw snowflakes falling from the sky,

"and I thought we would get some nice weather...", chuckled the older, looking back at me.

"I mean.. its aesthetically pleasing..", I shrug, looking down at my plate and slowly eating from getting distracted by the outer world.
It wasn't long until we had finished our plates, and I softly set mine in the sink then I noticed that jimin stepped besides me. I refused to look, especially under his neck so I turned, walking back towards the livingroom.

"love, are you okay?" the fiery orange haired male ask, following close behind me.

"yes, I'm fine.. you don't have to worry about me.." I mumble, plopping onto the surface of the couch and sinking into the cushions.

"but I must," I stopped him from finishing.

"why? why do you want to do all these things to me? why?" there was sense of concern in my voice since when I was younger, around twelve that I didn't imagine meeting one of my favorite idols... especially when he looked so good, everyday was like a dream and I just couldn't stand it.

"because.. when I sensed you around.. in the cafe.. I knew there was something special about you.. and I thought-" He paused himself, running his fingers over his pink glossy lips, sighing as he set his hand down and sat down next to me.

there was a knock on the door. my ears were sensitive, weirdly they never were this sharp in hearing things, but what I heard was something that sounded like wings. I simply shake my head, opening the door to see j-hope, wearing a leather jacket, a white tee under, and a pair of shiny black jeans.

"good evening!" he smiled brightly, holding up two peace signs, but I noticed something when his sleeve fell a bit down his arm. it was a tattoo on his wrist that looked like it extended to his shoulder, but I couldn't completely tell.
jimin stood up and I stepped aside, watching them. jimin hugged hoseok like he was his lover and I snickered, loudly sighing.
jimin glared at me and I froze, walking to the couch and plotting down, pulling out my phone and just scrolling through social media since he scared me a little.

"how's it going?" jimin asked softly to hoseok and hoseok continued to smile. it was so bright I swear I was blind.

"I'm real fine actually.. jungkook as well, he's been feeding me well..." hoseok whispered into jimin's ear and jimin nodded. yet they act as if it wasn't quiet enough to hear a pin drop.
I looked at hoseok, then jimin guided him to the couch and they sat down on each side of me. I sigh, looking from jimin to hobi. two attractive males, sitting beside me. what was this? was this a dream? it couldn't have been.

"so, what should we do?" hobi said a bit too excitingly.

"I'm unsure.. I think you have your hopes up since this place is pretty boring..." I shrug, going into my games folder of my phone and I began to play a game, not really paying attention to the males conversation, but it was hard, since my ears were so sensitive.

"so, hoseok, why don't you have a collar?" jimin asked the other male, watching hoseok roll up his sleeve up to reveal the long glowing tattoo.

"the tattoos... represents the ownership..." hoseok replied, putting the sleeve back down before the glowing got any brighter, I was still distracted by my game, but tattoos, ownership? what was all that supposed to mean?
I shake my head, turning off my phone then standing up. I sigh and ruffle my hair, going around the couch and upstairs. I stopped before looking back, "I'm going to take a nap, I don't feel well again" I say to jimin before walking left and down the hallway and into the bedroom. I struggle to take off my sweater, but managed to take it off, plopping down on the bed and staring at the ceiling, wondering what the two were talking about.
I toss to my right side, slowly closing my eyes and falling asleep.

I was trapped; in a cage and I saw the thing in front of me, getting glimpses of what I assumed to be some kind of tail. I try to shout, but no word came out. why was I trapped in this cage? I shake my head and fall through a hole, landing on the bed again.
"jimin.. " I manage to mumble out, looking around. I wanted the attractive male to hold me, but he wasn't around and it scared me, maybe that's why I was in the cage? because I'm getting too attached..

A few moments pass by and it was completely dark. I'd fallen asleep, peacefully for the short time.

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