What's Wrong Is The People Who Make Us Feel Unsafe

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skylar's p.o.v

when we came home we were still discussing were oliver was and what happened at school. we were all still in shock. then we heard a hug bang upstairs. bree,kaz and i ran upstairs as quickly as possible. it came from the boys room.the bathroom door was closed and there was some dark red liquid from under the door. chase, was all i could think. everything slowed down. kaz ran to the bathroom. bree walked in and i heard a heart ripping scream. "NOOOOOOO".

           a couple of minutes later (For this part i suggest you listen to the music above)

kaz's p.o.v

everyone was outside and it would have been incredibility dark except for the police and ambulance lights. everyone was talking and asking questions. the police were talking to bree since she was a family member and i was being questioned to. bree looked so shaken up and distracted. i noticed why she was so distracted, 

the body was being carried into the ambulance.

i saw her look over at skylar who was hugging oliver and was crying harder than i ever seen anyone cry. "how much more longer,my friend really needs me right now". bree said to the cop gesturing over to skylar. i walked over and told them, "i'll take it from here". bree nodded and ran to skylar,who immediately reacted by hugging bree as well. 

chase's eyes were closed, the paramedics were trying to keep him with us. but i can tell it was a hopeless cause.

Davenport's p.o.v

what did i miss? how could i not see it? all the alone times? his acting up?........                                      i should have payed more attention to him. The doctors say he's in critical condition but there trying there best to help him out. WHY DID I LEAVE MY GUNS IN A HOUSE WITH TEENAGERS! if anything happens to my son i don't know what i'll do. i told tasha what happened and her and naomi are on there way. we didn't tell naomi what really happened cause we can't stand to see her scared or heartbroken. leo is coming as well but i'm not so sure about adam.

later everyone was here except for adam and we were trying to get skylar and bree to eat cause they haven't eaten anything and refuse to look or talk to anyone but each other. "i'm confused,what happened  to chase".naomi asked. "don't worry he'll be fine". leo said as he moved naomi to his lap. "i hope so,he's my favorite". she said as she snuggled up to Leo's chest. we all tried smiled.

we waited for hours until a doctor came to check on us again. "i think you should all go home,were doing everything we can to help him and i'm not going to lie,it doesn't look good,but i promise we are taking good care of him".the doctor ensured. no one said anything and the doctor got the hint. "i'm not leaving him".skylar said in a shaky voice. "me either". bree agreed. "guys you need some rest, we all do,so lets just go home and,pray". tasha instructed. after a while we finally got them to agree to come home. i noticed oliver acting not like himself,he was sitting alone and pushing everyone away. i wasn't going to make the mistake i made with chase, i'm going to pay attention, sadly this had to happen to open my eyes.

oliver's p.o.v

when i got the news about chase i was so scared.i still i'm. i thought i had it bad. i never new he wanted to hurt himself. sure i had my problems but i never once thought about doing it. we walked into the penthouse. tasha and naomi went upstairs to the guest room along with leo. it was really dark out now. kaz and i are sleeping in the living room cause neither of us can't stand to sleep in our room knowing what happened. i turned to leave but skylar,kaz,and bree pulled me aside. "oliver can we talk".kaz said. bree was fumbling with her sleeve uncomfortably and skylar was biting her lower lip. i know what this is about and i don't really know i'm how going to handle this. but i'm about to find out. davenport was standing by watching me,they all were.

"yeah,i'm gay,its true,so what now".i said.

"you could have told us".skylar said putting her hand behind her pocket.

i sarcastically laughed and put my head down. "are you for real right now". i weakly smiled nodding my head. "look oliver we know that its not a comfortable thing to talk about but-".i cut bree off, "you guys don't get how these things work,kids at our school, don't let things like that go(i was now getting emotional). people like me get made fun of,bullied,beat up,people like me get killed for these things".i told them. tears where now threatening t spill out of my eyes. "i may have lost the only person i ever...i ever...loved". i said loudly. "oliver's there's nothing wrong with you".kaz assured. "whats wrong is the people out there who make us feel unsafe".i whispered with silent tears. 

"we don't care if your,you know.. are you". kaz said.

"what?,gay, you can say it it's not a bad word".i told him.

"my question is,why do i have to be anything, i'm not sure of my own sexuality anymore because of the world.". i shook my head.

"i wake up everyday knowing that i can't change who i am,and that one day the people who love me will stop".i said. bree was now crying.

"uh,guys can i talk to oliver for a moment".davenport asked. i forgot he was still there, i was lost in my emotions.

davenports p.o.v

oliver took a seat on the couch while the others headed upstaries. i can see oliver was still emotional.i got right to the point.

"i want you to promise me something, if you love someone you tell them. even if your scared that its not the right thing,you say it,you say it loud".i advised him. he nodded his head. "for the first time in my young life,i feel loved".he said. that warmed my heart. i smiled. "thanks davenport".he thanked as he pulled his phone out looked down and made his way to the terrace.

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