I Need You Awake

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oliver's p.o.v

its been 3 days and chase is still in a coma. "he'll be awake tomorrow"they keep telling us. skylar's been doing better,and bree and kaz are starting to talk to each other. i feel like our team is going to make it. its been tough. the team knows that i'm gay and i'm starting to feel more comfortable about it,more comfortable about myself. what they don't know is that i'm still seeing mike. i don't wanna make it a big deal. 

adam came to visit chase yesterday,skylar obviously didn't come that day cause she couldn't stand to see adam again. i told her that i know about adam. at first she was embarrassed about talking about it with me but then i let her know she was safe with me. she didn't ask how i knew what happened and if she ever found out she would hate me. if i know one thing for sure is that a crime was committed at our party. 

skylar's p.o.v

i was watching naomi play at the  park and i couldn't help but smile. she was so innocent and full of joy. i remember when i felt innocent. i wish i saw the world how kids did. oliver and i were talking about what happened to me this morning,he knows. but how? i never really thought about how. either way he looked into it and what adam did to me is illegal. now i don't know what to do. if i turn adam in, everyone's going to know,bree is going to be crushed and davenport may never forgive me. but i can't keep living like this. feeling unsafe. maybe its time the truth came out. "skylar, come play with me'".naomi laughed as she grabbed my hand.i smiled.

bree's p.o.v

i walked into chase's room. he was still in a coma. i took a seat next to him. "hi chasey,good to see you again".i said.i didn't expect him to reply. "okay,chase i've never told you this but,i need you. your always there or me. if you weren't here to save me all the time i would be dead. if your gone then i'm gone. your my lifeline.i love you".i kissed his forehead.

i head a far to familiar voice groan.


i couldn't believe it. "your awake!".i exclaimed. "yea,i am". he whispered. OMG MY BABY BROTHER IS AWAKE. "what's going on".doctor Livingstone said as he rushed in. then he saw chase."chase,your awake.this is great!".he exclaimed. i'm so happy. he saw a nurse walk by then he stopped her. "may you get mr.davenport on the phone and tell him he's son is awake"he asked. "right away doctor".she nodded her head then left.i looked to chase and immediately hugged him. he felt a little cold but i didn't care.i was just so happy to be back in his arms. "take it easy bree,he's still a little weak". doctor livingstone warned. i quickly moved away. "sorry". i apologized. chase had a blank expression.

after a little while i asked him how he was feeling.i was trying to get him to talk but not a word came out. "chase!your awake". davenport rushed over to him along with everyone else. but chase didn't look anyone in the eye. "how are you feeling". Douglas asked in a warm voice. "i'm fine". chase whispered with his head down. it wasn't until then i realized how much blood was at the side if his head. it scared me. "okay everyone i know your all very,very pleased to see chase but i must talk to him and then he's all your".doctor livingstone said. we where all hesitant to leave him after seeing him,but doctors order's.we got into single file's and went out the door.

chase's p.o.v 

i'm here. i'm still breathing. i'm still alive. how?. i don't know what's happening. then it hits me: you almost killed yourself. i don't remember much of everything but its coming back to me really slowly. i cant believe i almost ended it all. i don't know how to feel about this. "so chase,your awake,i'm guessing you don't remember much". he said as he took a seat. i nodded my head. "well you were suffering from a case called depression,unfortunately it must have been really tough so you took a gun and....shot yourself in the head". he explained.

 i took a gun to the head. how could i do something so stupid. the only thing i remember feeling was a black hole where my heart should have been. i remember not wanting to be here. maybe i still feel that way. "oh". was all i could say.  "yeah,i know that's a lot to take i,but our goal is to make you better,now when you were in your coma did anything interesting happen".he asked. i nodded my head. "i could hear what was happening around me,but my body did want to wake it self up. it wanted to leave and so did i". i answered. "hmm...interesting".he replied. " so you heard everything your family and friends said".i asked. "yeah".i said. "good, cause they really care about you and you need to know that". he said. i gave him a weak smile.

it's going to be so hard to face them after what i've put them through. its like a parts of me wants everything back to the way it was and part of doesn't wanna go through EVERYTHING again. i've let everyone down.

Dr. livingstone step out of the room to get everyone but only davenport,Douglas and tasha  came in.

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