What Now

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chase's p.o.v

we've been talking for like an hour and i don't think she's helping until she asked. "what do you wanna talk about". i looked confused. "in order for me to know whats wrong,you need to know whats wrong she said. from the Corner of my eye i saw skylar sitting on the couch. i was facing Mrs. Andrews. "how were you feeling". she asked. i looked down an started playing with my fingers. "right now?".i asked. "just how you felt.". she replied. "lost,i guess and sort of empty". i answered. "empty". she questioned. "yeah,i don't feel anything".i sadly chuckled. "i don't care anymore". i stated. " you don't care about what". she asked. "about anything,school, myself, the people here, my family". i replied. "your family?". she said shocked. i tried not to look at skylar.

 "i need everything to stop". i felt at little bit of tears falling out my eyes. "people,life". i stated. "life?". she questioned again. "one thing on top of another". i answered. "i just want to tell the people who care,or at least think care that, i'm sorry".i said. i was silently crying now. 

"i don't know whats wrong with me, and i'm sorry i'm not the son that he wanted me to be, i'm sorry that i'm not the boyfriend,that i could have been".i cried. Mrs. Andrews looked at skylar who was biting her lip fighting tears. "i'm sorry that i don't understand what this life really is. sometimes i wish i could just peacefully fade,no more stress, i knew were the gun was,then it was in my hand, i though what if i can't because there would be so many people who would miss me,or they wouldn't, it hurts me that, i can't do anything to make everything right and i'm not only hurting myself but i'm hurting her. i hate it, i hate it so much and i'm sorry,i'm sorry for so much. i wish that i could be a better person and i wish that i could get better but i don't think i fully can. it feels like it's never gonna get better. so i'm sorry, i'm sorry that i was saying goodbye,i'm sorry that i couldn't be what they wanted me to be and i'm sorry i couldn't change myself for the better,i just wanted them to know ,i'm sorry". i finished up.i heard a door slam.

Skylar's p.o.v

i couldn't stand to hear what he was saying anymore. did he really feel that way. i walked out the room. i just...i just can't, then i looked at the scar's on my arm. from what i've done. "skylar". i heard a female voice say. i turned around to see tasha. "tasha, what are you doing here". i asked. "it's bree, we gotta get to the hospital, i'll get chase you get in the car". she ordered. i nodded my head then quickly left. BREE?!what happened to her.

we got to the hospitable in a matter in minutes. tasha rushed to the front desk. "excuse me were here, for bree davenport, i'm her step-mother". tasha told the nurse. "of course, follow me". she directed us to a room. when we walked in, everyone was there,including bree in a hospitable bed."how is she". tasha asked as she went over to bree and stroked her hair. "lucky,she's doing better than we expected". Livingstone said. wow, who knows what he must think of us. "we ran some test and i have the results right there". he said as he lifted a file. "before i opened this up can you two explain what you saw". he asked oliver and kaz. "well, we went upstairs to check on her and there she was, on the floor,unconscious". kaz explained. "was there anyone or anything else in the room". davenport asked all fidgety."not that we know of, all we could focus on was bree".oliver replied. 

"what happened to her". chase asked. livingstone looked to bree and they locked eyes like there was some kind of secert between them."what". Douglas asked as he looked at them. livingstone opened the file.  "she passed out from substance abuse". Dr. livingstone finally said. "substance abuse?, like drugs?". i asked. dr.livingstone nodded his head. "what are drugs?". naomi asked. "something really bad for you". tasha told her.

 "ugh, i'm afraid i'm going to ask anyone who's not a family member to leave". Dr. Livingstone asked. kaz,oliver and i were about to step out until bree finally spoke. "they can stay, i don't have a problem with it". bree uttered. "okay then". he said. "well, we ran some test and multiple drugs where found in your system but none of them couldn't compare to how much stimulates were seen". he announced.

kaz's p.o.v

bree's a drug addict. well, i didn't see that coming. doesn't she know how much damage that can do to a person. "well we looked through your records and you recently have had an abortion, is that correct?". livingstone asked. silence immediately swept across the room. "yes". bree said. the next thing that came out of livingstone mouth shook me so hard. "but there was no need for it because when the test came back the child had already passed due to drug abuse found in it's system,correct?". he asked. bree looked like she was having a hard time but nodded.the baby was already dead. WHAT?!?!?!. just when i thought no more lies she does it again.

"wait, you were pregnant". tasha, Douglas,and chase asked.

"why didn't you tell me". oliver asked me.

"the baby was already dead". skylar questioned.

"why, just why". i said.

"what's happening, who died". naomi said holding her head.

"you guys didn't know of this, oh boy". Dr. livingstone said. 

"you got my sister pregnant?". chase said in that quit voice again but it sounded more threatening.

 "well,u-uh". i stuttered. "he's not the father, Nick Perkins is". bree cut in. it was silent again. "oh". oliver broke it. "well talk later, right now i'm more concerned about your health". davenport said. "well it seems, the drugs have taken a ton on her brain which cause's short term memory lost and to be honest she's lucky that's all it did because with everything in her system it could have done a lot more damage".  dr.livingstone informed us. "can it get better". bree asked. "fortunately, yes". he said. we were all extremely relived. "just make sure, she stays away from cigarettes,drinks, and stimulates". he advised. davenport nodded. 

"well, i'll give you guys some privacy, and just to let you know she's good to go home but well have to keep her til tomorrow to make sure, everything working well. "bree, this is serious and i'm going to need you to be a hundred percent honest with me. davenport said. bree nodded. "where did you get the drugs,how did you get the money for it, and why". davenport asked serious of questioned.

"i got them on 87th street from the Parker bothers, and i got the money buy selling some of my drugs to kids at school, and i use it because it helps me reduce my stress and it calms me". bree said as if she was about to cry. "i'm so sorry daddy". she cried. oh boy, you know she's sorry when she calls him daddy. "after everything you've done for me, i've disappointed you so bad, you don't deserve a daughter who doesn't respect you, who's crushed you". she cried. "bree,i know a lot is going on but i still love you". he hugged her.

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