TDAS Re-write episode 3: Saving Private Leechball

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Total Drama All-Stars Re-Write
Episode 3: Saving Private Leechball
Re-written and Edited by Joey Turner and Tanya Furness

Chris: (Voiceover, recounting last episode's clips) Last time on Total Drama All-Stars, our heroes and villains went digging for buried treasure and uncovered a few nasty surprises. The girls found out that moonchild Dawn has a crush on Noah, who got sight of the beauty that is my Chris Au Naturale painting... which was stolen by one of these no good, art criticizing ROTTEN LITTLE... (Calmer) Owen's powerful sniffer once again surpassed any of the world's best bloodhounds. Scott villain'd it up big time; trying to sabotage the heroes. When he got caught, he didn't take it so well. But in the end, the Heroic Hamsters were victorious, and Lightning, fresh from a hungry night of exile on Boney Island, made enough boney-headed moves to get the royal flush from his teammates. Sixteen competitors remain, which one of them will ride the sewer system next? Find out right now on Total Drama All-Stars!

(Theme song)

(Close in on the loser cabin, the boys' side. Duncan and Alejandro share one bunk bed, Duncan on the bottom and Alejandro on top, wrapped in a sleeping bag)

Duncan: Ugh, I had almost forgotten about these craptacular cabins.

Alejandro: (sighs) Let us hope it is our only visit.

(On the other bunk bed, Noah has the top bunk while Scott has the bottom bunk. Noah looks more relaxed lying comfortably on his bed, while Scott looks unhappy sitting on the edge of the bed)

Noah: (Sighs) I dunno. I kinda missed these old rustic death traps. There is less CHRIS art staring at you! (His bed suddenly caves in, and he slips through the hole and gets stuck. In pain) I take back EVERY good thing I said about this bed!!!

Scott: (Flops down onto the bed, only to find it stiff) Owww, I miss the hotel. Now that I know how rich people live, everything I used to love stinks! (Throws his fist down, only to have the bed collapse under him, and Noah over him. He screams and stands back up with a spring stuck in his eye) Lousy discount bed! (Punches the rubble, only for Noah to holler in pain. Scott pulls his hand back, screaming, with nails stuck in it)

(Confessional: Duncan)

Duncan: Scott's ok. At least with him you know what you're getting... which is crap, but still, nice to know. And Noah... eh, he's ok; just miss when I was the only smart aleck on the team.

Noah: (From outside the confessional) that would imply that you were smart at all, Captain Piercings! (Chuckles, Duncan elbows into the confessional wall) OW! Sensitive!

(Confessional Ends)

Alejandro: Well goodnight, gentleman. (Zips up his sleeping bag and sighs contently)

(Confessional: Alejandro)

Alejandro: After 2 years in that robot suit, I find it difficult to sleep if I'm all... spread out.

Noah: (From outside) oh hey guys? Did you know that Alejandro was in a robot suit for 2 years? No? Well you'll know about it soon! Because he NEVER shuts up about... (Alejandro elbows the side of the confessional) OW! It's the SAME EYE!!!

(Confessional ends)

(Pan over to the girls' side; Jo is on top of one bunk bed and Gwen is on the bottom. Jo and Heather are arguing, Anne Maria is spraying her hair, and Gwen is trying to sleep)

Heather: Thanks again for blowing the challenge, Jo!

Jo: Me!? You're the one who wasted time arguing instead of digging!

Heather: I wouldn't have needed to argue if everyone just did what I told them to do! I'm the one with the most experience on this team!

Anne Maria: yeah, but maybe if you two pulled your own weight and got that last piece, I'd be up to my 'girls' (Referring to her boobs) in that fireproof hairspray!

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