TDAS Re-write episode 8: The Spanish Opposition

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Total Drama All-Stars Re-Write
Episode 8: No One Eggspects the Spanish Opposition
Re-written and Edited by Joey Turner and Tanya Furness

Chris: (Voiceover, recounting last episode's clips) Last time on Total Drama All-Stars, the island was bathed in a rare blue harvest moon that turns normally sweet creatures into pure evil. Totally unsafe to be out after dark in THAT; so, I made it a night challenge! As they raced, Heather pretended to be affected by the moon, while Cam and his broken specs got ditched by Mike... or WAS it Mike? And Dawn lost her connection with the wild creatures, and then had to be rescued by know-it-all turned lover-boy, Noah; and then they kissed.... AGAIN! In the end, the villains won again; and Brick, who brought back a wounded and traumatized Owen, took an honorable discharge down a dishonorable toilet. And Cameron volunteered to be the other homebound hero for reasons unknown. (Cough) Sierra. (Cough) But, in a final twist, Cameron became the newest member of the Villainous Vultures.

(Cut to Chris at the docks)

Chris: But that was then, and this is now. And we can't stop it, so we gotta top it, right here on Total Drama All-Stars!

(Opening credits)

(Cut to the spa hotel; Cameron is trying to fix his broken glasses)

Courtney: (walks by with a glass of orange juice in hand) Don't bother. You won't be around long enough for it to matter.

(Cameron ignores her and continues working, but the glasses fall apart further. Cameron sighs)

(Confessional: Courtney)

Courtney: With Cameron on our team, the newbie target's off my back. Next time we lose, (Smirks) Four-eyes goes home. (Pauses) Unless he can't fix his glasses, then he'll be two-eyes. Still, he's out.

(Confessional ends)

(Gwen walks up to Cameron with a twist tie)

Gwen: Here, maybe a twist tie would help.

(Cameron works with the twist tie and smiles as his glasses are now fixed)

Cameron: It worked! Thanks! (He puts the glasses back on)

Gwen: The villain team isn't entirely made up out of evil people.

Heather: (Standing right behind Cameron, smirking evilly) You look nerdier than before. I know it sounds impossible, but here you are doing it, so...

Alejandro: (Sitting at the table) Heather, please. I think that he pulls off a nerdy look with a generous measure of dignified flare.

Gwen: (She and Cameron walk away) ...It's mostly made up of evil people.

(Confessional: Cameron)

Cameron: I was really nervous about meeting Gwen. My mom kept telling me that anyone who dyes her hair color is either a hooligan, psychologically unstable, or a woodland pixie.... that last one I didn't know how to respond to. But Gwen was very nice to me on my first day as a villain. Plus it's just nice to be away from Sierra.

(Confessional: Gwen)

Gwen: I HAD to look out for Cameron; Zoey told me about the whole bubble thing, and having been stuck in tight spaces before, I know what it's like. Besides, he's cool; he's like another little brother to me. If you're seeing this, Daren -I miss you, bro. Take care of mom while I'm stuck out here... again!

(Confessional ends)

Heather: (Annoyed; walks up to Alejandro) Great, they've already bonded. I hate to say it, but maybe we should form a temporary alliance to avoid being voted off. (Extends a hand to Alejandro) Allies?

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