Another family? I dont know...

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I was just sitting in my room with the rest of the foster girls when Cameryn says. "You know there's a family here for one of us right? It's probably for me-" "Shut up. You're so-"I was cut off bye the social worker lady. She said, "Jane? Sweetie there's a family here for you." I am so not doing this again, "well tell them to leave."

She shook her head. "No. Now come here!" I sighed and went with her. She took me in the room that was now very familiar to me. I'd only been in it about...14 times? "Hello Jane I'm Valerie, and this is my husband Berry. I've got to say this is my first time doing this whole fostering thing." A woman said, she was pretty and a girl sat next to her, About...20? "Yo! I'm Mahogany LOX!" She said. Oh god... "How nice... Why are you here?" I said sarcasm noticeably in my voice. "I'm so terribly sorry about her attitude. She's even through the process a few times. She's afraid it'll happen again." My social worker said. "How soon can we adopt her?" The husband said. "You should be good to go today if you'd like?" Wait! Wait! Wait! Did she just give me away? Literally give me away?! "Well looks like your coming home with us!" Mahogany says. "Yay." I mumble sarcastically. She ignores it and guides me out to their car as her parents sign the paper work to foster me, but hey if they keep me log enough I think of it as adoption. Or sometimes I'll call it 'kidnapping' me. They got in the car and the ride to they're house was quiet. Great so they don't talk?! We pull up to their house and Valerie says "So how do you like your new home?" "I don't." I mumbled and everyone looked at me. "What? Oh...did I say that out loud?" I winced at my stupidity, nice going Jane, real nice. Mahogany glances at me and then leans over and whispers, "Look, we are more than happy to have you but this attitude shit isn't gonna work." I nod. Then they show me to a room that I'm guessing is mine. Then Mahogany walks in. GREAT! (M=Mahogany J=Jane)

M-need help unpacking?

J-I only have two outfits, I'm good.

M- Your joking right?

J-Does it look like I'm joking?

M-Ok so tomorrow we'll go shopping! Just me and you?

J-Sorry, I can't I'm busy tomorrow.

M-What could you possibly be doing?

J-it's summer I have plans. Don't you know I got out of school two days ago?

M-Ok... why don't you wanna have a shopping day with me? I know so many girls who would die for a shopping day

J- I don't even have any money on me, and if that's true then why don't you get one of them to go shopping with you?

M-We'll pay for you

J-That'd be nice if I actually wanted to.

M-Get some sleep and be ready by 2:00 pm tomorrow.

I nod and she starts to walk out.

J- Hey Mahogany wait!

M- Yeah?


M- Ofcourse. Now sleep!!

With that she left. I let my thoughts roam and the voices in my head speak. All I can think about is when they'll give me back and who the next family will be. I think and think until I drift off into a deep sleep.

*Next morning*

I was half asleep but I was soon fully awaken by an annoying Mahogany. "Jane!!!!! Jane! Come on! It's already 1:00 pm. You gotta get ready." I got up, glared at her, then said. "I'm getting ready. Now get out!" She smiled satisfied and left.

I walked into the bathroom and got in the shower. When I got out I dried off and put on my cream uniform dress with white stalkings and cream shoes. "I'm ready!!" I yelled, But all I could think was. 'This is gonna be...interesting, and in a bad way.'

Mahogany LOX's new little sis? I guess that's me.Where stories live. Discover now