Maybe it's not THAT bad here....

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"Hey girly-what are you wearing?" Mahogany says slowly. "Clothes, not all of us have a variety to choose from. Now can we go?" She runs to her room and gets me a neon pink dress, black combat boots, and socks. I take the clothes and change. When I leave the bathroom she smiles and says "you look great!"

I smile and we walk out to the car. We drive in silence and when we get there we go straight to forever 21, and H&M from there. I get a whole bunch of clothes. As least 7 dresses like 15 skirts, about 30 shorts and like 100 shirts, and I don't even really want them. Okay maybe a little bit... Then we went to like 6 other stores. The last one was Clare's. God we must've spent like 200 dollars in there, and that's just on me!

"You know how long it's gonna take me to pay you back?" I laugh at how crazy this is right now.
"Your not paying me back, I wanted to." I nod looking at her in admiration. As we were leaving we each had about 70 bags in our hands. Is this what it feels like being cared for? We get in the car and she turns on a song called 'life of the party.' Apparently some guy named Shawn Mendes sings it. "I like this song! The singers voice is amazing." I say. "OMG really? Cuz I know the singer, we all go to MAGCon together! Wait you don't know what that is, okay so let me explain. So there are 10 of us plus 4 special guests. The original 10 are me, Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas , Shawn Mendes, Aaron Carpenter, Taylor Caniff, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Matthew Espinosa, and Jacob Whitesides and Hayes Grier, Nash's little brother. The special guests are. Sammy Wilkinson, Dillon Rupp, Willie Jones, and Dustyn Carpenter. What we do is we travel around the world and host a meet and greet convention. Most of us sing, and so we go around and meet people like fans and it's really fun to do actually. Ohmgee!! You know what would be so cool?"
"Watch the tude! You should come with us, we leave in a week. Oh please please say yes?" I nod and she nearly makes us crash. The rest of the ride was quiet other than some songs playing. When we got home Mahogany said
"I have to go call Bart! He's the manager I'll come help put everything away in a sec kay?"
I nod. I'm super excited! She walks away and I walk into my room. I sit on my bed and silently let tears fall. I've never known what it was like for someone to care... it's kind of nice. Someone knocks.
"Uh come in!" I scream and Mahogany comes in. "OMG! Bart said him and everyone else can not wait to meet you! And since today's Tuesday we leave Monday!" I smile. "Great! Now I'm gonna go to sleep. I'm tired." She smiles and left.

The next day I woke up to...the one and only..Mahogany.
"Come on! Breakfast time!"
"Get out!"
She giggles and says
"See ya downstairs".
I tumble out of bed and slowly walk down the steps. We all eat breakfast in silence and then I retreat to my room, do some research on MAGCon, look at some pictures and sleep the rest of the day.

The next morning. I got up and went downstairs. I run into Mahogany. "Oh hey sleepy head." She's always so damn happy. I laugh a little. "Hey." She smiles then says,
"I have a very important question and I know it might be to soon or to forward but-"
I cut her off
"Spit it out." She smiles then said. "As you know I'm 19....and I'm moving into my own house on Saturday. Which is in 3 days...and I was wondering if you want to move in with me?" I smile and just hug her.
"That sounds horrible, I'd love to." I say laughing. "Ok let's go pack." She says.
"Um breakfast fist please." I say and she nods in agreement. We eat and she tells her parents and they're 100% on board. When breakfast is over we go upstairs and pack up everything and by the time we were done it was 7:30pm.
"Hey let's go to Starbucks at the mall!" She says and I nod in agreement. We drive there and go in Starbucks. We got our orders and Mahogany says. "I'll be back. Just stay here Kay?" I nod and she kissed my forehead. With that..she's gone. About 5 minutes later this guy walks in. And I promise you I've never seen someone so gorgeous. He's got big brown eyes, and brown hair, and his smile could literally kill. He looks around and then stops at me. He looks a whole lot like... NO WAY. He comes over to me and says.
"Hi I'm Shawn Mendes."
"I'm Jane, Jane LOX." He smiles than his face lights up.
"I hoped so, Mahogany told me you were in here, and I figured it was you! I'm Shawn, the one your going on tour with?"
"Oh my god...your him...your...him.

Mahogany LOX's new little sis? I guess that's me.Where stories live. Discover now