Goodbye Jane

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Jane's POV: The boys asked what happened and I explained everything I knew. "Wait. Are you taking her back?" I hear Mahogany. "She is mine after all." I hear another voice as the door opens. There's a woman, she looks--like me. She looks like Cindy. She looks like us. I don't like where this is headed... "oh my! Look at you, your so grown up." The woman says. "Who are you? Why do you look like me?" I say so confused. "I'm your mother."

"No ya not ya lying!" A boy says. Hey I remember him from the picture Mahogany showed me.That's Matt! I guess I was so wrapped up in all of this I hadn't noticed the other guys that arrived. I must be putting them all through so much for someone they barely know...lAnd who might you be" she snarles. "I ma'am am Matthew Lee Espinosa. Oh by the way Jane I'm Matt." Matt says with a smirk. "That's her mom--her real mom." Mahogany states coming in. Wait a minute...He said to beware of my mom. Did he mean Cindy or her?
"I'm Casey." The woman says. "Well you should get out of my room. I'm going back soon. Right Mahogany?" I screamed the last part. I trusted her. I believed her. She lost all of that. "I'm gonna adopt you."Casey says. "Have me, but can you tell me when your giving me back so I can plan in advance?" I say. "I'm not giving you back." She said irritated. "Yeah, well apparently you're not the only one who thought that before they decided to give me back. Right Mahogany?" I whispered the last two words and Mahogany let tears fall from her eyes. All the boys looked at me with pity. Shawn came over and sat on my bed. My 'mother' was starring at us. "You ok?" He said coming closer to my face. I shook my head no and he kissed me. "Better now?" He smirked. "Nope but I'm getting there." I teased and snuck a look at my 'mother'. She was kind of glaring at us. He kissed me again but this time it was longer and my she came over and tapped him while we were kissing. "How old are you?" she asked him. Oh no. "Uh I I'm 15." He stuttered. "You do know that Jane is 11 years old right?" She said. "Yeah you guys really shouldn't date it's wrong." Mahogany chimed in. Now everyone was looking at me. "Mahogany no one asked you! You don't get a say in my life anymore! You don't get a say at all." by the time I was done screaming everyone was looking at me like I had just shot someone or something.

"I'm sorry." Mahogany said. I turned to my mother who was starring at Shawn and Shawn looked a little scared. So I grabbed his chin and turned him to me. "Shawn will you go out with me?"
I ask and I get a few disappointed faces and a few in readable ones. I know with everything going on right now this seems stupid, but it might be the only thing to keep me sane. Shawn smirks and says

"I'd love to." And the room goes silent. Casey had to say something. "You are not allowed to date him." She states. "An your not allowed to tell me what to do. You are not my mother. And a mother doesn't abandon her daughter!" I didn't know where you were til a month ago" "I'm glad you didn't come. " As I finished Shawn grabbed my hand.

"Hello Miss.Gordy, you are free to go home today." The doctor says as she walks in. "You just have to get a lot of rest and your treatments will start soon." I nod and Shawn helps me up. I looked over at Hayes and he looked kind of mad.Shawn carried me to the bathroom and shut the door so I could change. "I'm Jane's biological mother and I will be taking her home today."

"Ok you'll just have to sign some paperwork."
They just let her take me that easily? They can't do that, can they? When I finish everyone but my mom and Shawn are gone. "I'll call you ok?" Shawn says coming over to me. I nod and he pecks my lips then hugs me softly. "Ok! Let's go your coming with me!" I just grab my stuff and sit in the wheel chair and she starts rolling me. I'm just going to go with her because what's the point in arguing anymore? What's the point of even living anymore? Well the answer to that is...there isn't one.

~Kisses😘 Nay)

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