Running from my life, not my problems. No one understands...

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I wake up the next morning and look around. At first I was scared cuz I had no clue wear I was then I noticed Hayes sleeping. "Hayes! Hayes!" I whisper yelled. "Huh?" He says whipping his eyes. "I'm hungry." I whined. He laughed and we walked downstairs.

"I SAID DONT DO ANYTHING STUPID!" Cameron screamed. "We didn't I just slept over" "THEN WHY ARE YOU WEARING JUST HIS SHIRT?!" Ok he had a point. "Actually I'm wearing my bra and underwear too but you'd need to see to get proof wouldn't you?" I snapped and everyone laughed except Cam. "Ok well go home and shower miss sass ass and were all going to do something today." Cam said. "Is Mahogany's going?" I asked getting a glass of orange juice from the fridge. "Yes Mahogany is coming! Now go!"
I walked to my house then when I got in the door I realized I still had Hayes' clothes on. "Your ho--your still wearing that?! You know Cameron came over here last night freaking out? He made me nervous so we both rushed back over to his house only to see you and Hayes snuggling. AND YOU WERE HALF NAKED!" "No! I! Was! Not! You know what I'm going to go change!"

"Good and you better have fun today cuz after today's over your grounded! And we leave for tour soon so you'll be grounded there too!" I sarcastically smiled and ran upstairs. I got in the shower then got dressed. Next thing I know I was packing a bag! When I had EVERYTHING I needed. I wrote a note and I went to my window and climbed down the little vine. When I got to the bottom the boys were heading over to our house so I ran through the back and down the street. I didn't know where I was going. But I WAS going. Because this is what I do when I'm scared. It's my defense mechanism. I run.

Mahogany's POV: *ding dong* the door bell sang. I went over to the door and when I opened it Hayes screamed.. "I wanna go where's Jane?! Let's leave." I giggled and said "I'll go get her." He nodded satisfied and I walked upstairs. "Jane! The boys are here!" No answer. I went in her room and she wasn't in there and most of her stuff was still there but there were a few little things gone, like her clothes, phone, ect. I looked at her bed and there was a note. I picked it up and read.

'Dear Mahogany and boys, I'm tired. I'm mainly tired of messing up, and you know My life has consisted off foster families and foster cares. But when you and your family came and got me I knew they'd want me for good. I think that's why I''m leaving. You see the longer I stay the more attatched I'll get to everyone. And that's one thing I don't do, get attached because it gives that person the power to leave... funny thing is this time I guess I was the one to leave. I don't know where I'm going but I will let you guys know when I get there. I'm sorry if me running away hurt you. But it's for the best. You'll see. And Mahogany? I love you. That's another reason I had to leave.

Love, Jane.

By the time I finished reading I was in stunned and the boys were in the door way. "Mahogany what's wrong?" They ask and I give them the note. By the time they all finished they were all a little stunned too. "We have to find her. It's not even up for discussion. Get your asses up and let's find her!" Hayes screamed. "Why does it matter so much to you?" Carter said slowly and dazed. "She's a part of the family, our family."  Hayes let's one little teardrop fall, and then wipes it away angrily.

"Should we call the police?" Cam said staring at the ground. I feel like shit. This is my fault. Now what? Cam grabs his phone out and dials 9-1-1. We're going to get her back.

Mahogany LOX's new little sis? I guess that's me.Where stories live. Discover now