Dead or alive?

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"Oh my god Jane. Are you ok?" "Yeah. Hello to you too Nash." Shawn started to leave so I stopped him. "I have to tell you both something. I don't know if you'll believe it but..." They both look at me sympathetically. And we all sit down on the couches. "Ok so the two times I was in a coma, I went to heaven. I know I know it sounds crazy. But let me finish. So the first time I met god. He asked me if I wanted to stay with him or come back to you guys. I said you guys and he told me to beware of my mother. At the time I thought he meant Cindy, but I think he means my real mom. You'll know why in a minute. So the second time I went up I met Sky and Cameron. Not our Cameron. A different Cameron. They're angels and they showed me around Heaven. Once again I got the opportunity to stay or leave. I said leave. Anyway when I moved here my mother showed me our new maid. Sky. And I didn't recognize her at first but when I did I asked why she was here. She said there's gonna be a fire here, she can't tell me when or how but it's coming. And I have to get out and that's when my mom stopped her and they walked down the hall.

My mom slapped her and she was just gone. Shawn looked pale. "Shawn whats wrong?" I ask. "When I was your age this happened to me. Not the whole adoption thing but my mom wasn't my real mom and the fire--I made it out but you won't." He said dead serious."Great. So I'm gonna die?" I ask.
"No what I mean is your mom wanted me to watch you. So we could fight and argue about our relation ship instead of being ready for the fire. She knew I'd invite Nash over and that we'd all be distracted. Clever bitch. Every breath we take, every movement we make. I planned on telling you this somewhere more romantic but here goes nothing. Jane yes I get is as of right now your 5 years younger, but in about two months? Your gonna be 4 years younger. Hell, I wouldn't care if you were 7 years younger. Because age isn't anything but a number.Remember you told me that? You taught me that.You Jane. Not Nash, or Aaron, or anyone else. You. Love is love no matter the age. And I've been wanting to tell you this for a day or two now. Jane I'm falling in love with you. And there's nothing you or anyone else is gonna do about it because I Shawn Mendes am in love with you Jane Gordy. And there is no one else on this earth I'd rather be in love with."

He finishes. Oh. My. God. "I love you too Shawn... but we're wasting time right now." I said and I really did fall for Shawn, I think I fell for Hayes too. Just then we smelled something. Smoke? Maybe. No that's definitely smoke. I look at Shawn and Nash and Shawn picks me up while Nash grabs my crutches and we run. Front door. Fire. Stairs. Fire. Living room. Fire. Me. Fire? "Shawn!" I scream. I'm still in his arms but, somehow I'm on fire. "Nash?"

"We have to get put out the source."
Shawn screams."What's that?" Me and Nash say in unison. "Jane." And with that we run to the kitchen. "You'll be okay I promise." Shawn says as he puts me in the sink. I'm still on fire, but I don't feel it. It's so weird. He turns on the water and the fire dissapears. From everywhere. "We did it" I say. Shawn looks at me and frowns. "We have to make it out alive. That isn't all." "What the hell am I living? A freaking fairy tale where witches and warlocks exist?" Shawn nods and I'm thinking he's got to be fucking joking right now. Once we get to the front door I black out. The smoke was still there. None of us were making this out alive. None.

Who do you ship? Shane=Shawn and Jane.

Jayes= Jane and Hayes.


Kisses😘~ Nay

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