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"So...what are we going to do about--"
"my cancer and my mom?" I cut Shawn off. He nods. "My mom? I'm not living with her. And cancer. I'm gonna fight it til it gets me." Mahogany looked at me with a weird emotion that I cannot place. "Jane cancer is not just something you wait around for." She said and a few tear drops fell. "There isn't anything else we can do." I was so unsure of myself. "God. Cancer huh? And to top it off some psycho for a mom. Great."I mumble. Then we heard a big *bang* and everyone's eyes are on me. "WHERE IS SHE?" Cindy screams and Cameron says. "I have no idea what you are talking about! She and a few of the others left!" I giggle and Mahogany puts her hand over my mouth. "Why are you giggling?" She whisper yells and I don't know. "You! With the blue eyes! You tell me where she is right now." It goes quiet and she continues. "Do you see this police officer right here? When this is over you're headed for jail." I'm guessing she's talking to Nash. Then Nash says. "Look! I don't know where they or she is but I know that you aren't going to get her."
Nash says. "I'll be right back." The police officer says. I hear the door shut and seconds later...*boom* it was a gunshot! THE BOYS! "You three stay here. This is my fight and I'm about to win it." I say as I crawl up the stairs before anyone can stop me. When I get to the top I see--no. Why is this happening? Please no. "CAMERON!" I scream earning everyone's eyes on me. I crawl/run over to him and he was shot not too far from his heart. "SOMEONE CALL 911! NOW!" I shout and everyone pulls out there phones and dials. I look at Cindy and she's smirking. She has the gun in her hand. She shot him.
"You want me? Get me bitch!" I say as I limp over to her. "Awe you want me to shoot you?" She says.

"Afraid? Scared you started a battle you can't win? Make your move."
I say and with that she brings the gun up to me heart. If she shoots there's no doubt I'll die. All the boys were distracted by Cam. "JANE!" Nash screams as he looks up from Cam as do the other boys. They start making their way over to us but they're too far. I hear Mahogany and the boys coming up the steps. "Night night." She says as they get to the top of the steps. Everyone's closing in when...I feel it. I do not hear the thing that is to bring me to my end but I feel it burry itself into my body. She shot me. I fell to the ground, not dead but not exactly alive. I hear sirens. Then I black out.

~kisses😘 Nay)

Mahogany LOX's new little sis? I guess that's me.Where stories live. Discover now