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"I've heard so much about you! I mean Mahogany would not-" he started but Mahogany came back and cut in.
"Mahogany what Shawn?"
"I was gonna say Mahogany wouldn't shut up about you. And yeah. I think that's all." He smirked and I laughed.
"Hey Mahogany I'm flying to LA with you guys on I'm gonna help you with your new house." He said and she smiled then she turned to me! "OMG Jane guess what?!"
"I got you a phone! I phone 7 to be clear!" I jumped up and we hugged.
"Here give me your phone." Shawn said. I give it to him and when he gave it back I noticed I had two contacts. Mahogany and Shawn. Shawn's has like two heart eyes and a kissy face. I smiled thinking about it then Shawn broke me out of my thoughts. "Hey it was great meeting you and great seeing you Mahogany but I have to run. And Jane text me so I have your number. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
I smiled and nodded then out of no where he hugged me. Then Mahogany then left. "Oh! Someone has a crush on Shawn someone has a crush on Shawn!" Mahogany chanted and as she was saying it Shawn came back and I smacked her softly so she'd be quiet.
"Sorry I forgot my hoodie." He said then left again. Me and Mahogany walked all the way back to the car then she said. "So you have a crush on Shawn? I'm not moving til you spill!" "His eyes..his smile...his voice... oh my god just him all together."  I didn't just say that to Mahogany of all people. This'll be great. "Awe! That's so cute! You know it could never happen though...right?" Unfortunately I did know.. I put on a smile and nodded. When we got home I ran to my room to text Shawn.
J:Hey it's Jane

S:Hey there, what are you up to?

J:Nothing really, what about you?

S:Nothing, just thinking about you

S:Wait, I did not mean for it to sound like that, it came out wrong😬

J:How exactly was that supposed to come out then? 😂

S:I was just thinking about how much fun we're gonna have at MAGCon

J:Uh huh

S:But on a different note how old are you? Oh No. Just then Mahogany walks in. She sits down next to me and takes my phone. She reads the messages and says.
"What do I do? You want me to tell him how old you are?" I nod defeted by myself and Mahogany types something that took her a while. When I finally get my phone back I know why...I hate her so much right now.
J: Hey Shawn! This is Mahogany and I'm on here cuz Jane's to afraid to tell you she likes you but she's only 11 so yeah😌😂

S: Awe lol that's so cute😝

J: I'm back, but give me a minute I have to go kill Mahogany🙄😂

"Mahogany LOX! How dare you?!"
"Actually it's Mahogany Gordy and Shawn needed to know. But I Wove woo." I growled at her and my phone buzzez. Its Shawn.

S:Haha it's ok. I'm not mad, but I am tired lol so I'll talk to you tomorrow 😘

Jane: Kkbye 😘

I blushed after reading the text then Mahogany says, "I'm going to sleep. And so are you. Good night. Love ya!" As she was about to leave I said. "Mahogany wait!" She spins around and looks at me. " I love you too! Good night!" She smiles and turns out my light, then leaves. And with that I close my eyes and drift away.

Mahogany LOX's new little sis? I guess that's me.Where stories live. Discover now