Chapter 6

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After Jack was cleared from his bed by Ivor, he drank a potion of healing to fix his arm and ribs.

Within a few minutes, he was ready to slay some endermen.

As soon as he healed, Tina hugged him again, crying on his shoulder.

"Okay, I'm fine.  It's not like I just died or anything."

She smiled, still crying, as Jack hugged her back.

"Don't say that."

"It's the truth though."

She didn't respond, still aware that there were people in the room.


She let go and turned to Jay.

"Uh, this note came to you at the doorstep."

Curiosity took over and Tina read it, then stashed it in her inventory and ran out.

"What was that for?"

"No idea..."

Jack shrugged and pulled out the two pearls he still had.

When Jay touched one, it glowed.

"It's linked to you..."

He held it out to her.

"Take it."

Jay reluctantly took it and pocketed it.

"So, let's find out more about Herobrine, shall we?"


Tina walked into Beacontown's new park, where the note said to meet.

"So, look the guy with black hair and blue eyes who's dressed like Jack..."

She glanced up; someone was looking at her.

He matches the description...

She walked over and showed him the note.

"I honestly thought you wouldn't come."

He put his hand out.

"I'm Brandon."


She shook it, and he motioned for her to follow him.

"Uh, why are you taking me to a dark creepy alley?"

"It's a shortcut."

Tina was filled with a sense of dread that grew as she kept following him.

When they saw light again, it led to a house that was hidden in the Beacontown wall.

"Uh, I should get to my friends..."

She turned around- and felt a hand on her neck.

"You will walk in there."

In fear, Tina did what she was told.

The house was bare.  There was nothing but a bed, a crafting table, and a furnace.

Standing there was a problem.

"Excellent work Brandon."

"Thank you, my lord."

"Wait, you work for the person who wants to destroy the world?!"

"My master only wishes to improve it.  I'm to help him in exchange for you."

Tina backed away from them.

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