Chapter 8

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Warning: Part of this chapter contains a prevented suicide attempt. You have been warned.

Arrival through a nether portal isn't the best, but when it spit the crew out, they were expecting it.

"So, where are these 'Far Lands'?"

"Turn around."

The group turned around, and immediately thought they were hallucinating.

The sight of the huge stone wall with the holes in the face was too much for them to wrap their head around.

"Ivor, you live here?"

"Yes! It's magnificent, isn't it?"

The group stood there in awe until Ivor grabbed Jay's hair and dragged her along.

"Ow! Hey, beardo, that's hurting!"

"Then move! We've got a death maze to get through!"

"Death maze?"

The group slowly walked in, the darkness unsettling to them.

"Uh, where does this lead-"

Jake walked into a wall.

"Oh, okay."

Ivor smiled.

"I'd show you my shortcut, but I think that takes the fun out of this."

He threw a smoke bomb, and was gone.

Oddly enough, so was everyone but Jack, Tina, Jake and Jay.

"Wow Ivor."

"Uh, guys?"

"Jake, you left a dent in the wall!"

"I did?"

"Uh, guys?"

"Why is this shape so accurate to your forehead?"

"No clue."


The twins turned to Jay to discover that an entire hoard of zombies had found them.


The group fought their way to the vines and climbed like their lives depended on it- because they did.

When they got up, the view was even better then they expected.


"Hey, look, there's a light over there!"

"Well, let's head towards it!"

The group searched their inventories to find minimal building equipment.

"Okay, let's ration this..."

Jack led the way until they came across to a gap where they had to build.

"One block wide."

They used six of their 20 blocks.

"Keep going!"

Jake slipped onto a barge that was right next to the wall they were on.

"Jake, you need to work on this."

The barge was old alright, but it seemed to have been modified years ago.

"This thing work?"

Jack pulled a flint and steel out and went to ignite it.


More zombies had discovered them, and the others were racing to the barge.


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