Chapter 7

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"Jack, I need to tell you something."

Jack was busy eavesdropping on his brother's confession to Jay when he heard Tina.

"Sure, what?"

"In private."

He parted from the door and nodded as she led him to the roof again.

"Wait... what did you say Jake?"

Jay was stunned.

Jake knew she didn't believe in love, yet... she was confused.

"Jake... how long?"

"A couple of months now..."

Jay sat there staring at him...

"Jake... you know I don't believe in love anymore... why would you tell me?"

"You were gonna find out anyway, figured now would be the time.  That, and Jack said something about it before leaving, so..."

Jay shook her head.  "Jake, I'm sorry, but I can't do this.  You can be a great person at times, but... I've already suffered enough... I don't think my heart can handle any more pain..."

Jake sighed in defeat.  "I get it... and I won't fight you on it.  Do what's best for you."

Jay nodded, giving an apologetic smile before walking out.

"So, what do you need Tina?"


"Tina, come on.  You can tell me."

She sighed, before she took a breath again and opened her mouth.

"He... he raped me too... it was horrible..."

Jack pulled her into a hug.

"It's fine.  Just go check real quick, okay?"



Tina was fine physically but not emotionally.

While she was free from giving birth, she would never trust strangers again.

Weeks had passed and the only person she'd talk to was Jack.

Meanwhile, Jake was feeling the disappointment of being rejected, and Jay was feeling guilt.

Nobody was in a happy mood.

Something dawned on Jack after waking up on the floor again.

It had been weeks.

"Oh gravel!"

He ran around screaming people's names like a maniac until everyone was awake.

"Guys!  Weeks ago Herobrine's form was nearly complete!  We did nothing in those weeks, meaning-"

"Herobrine's form is complete!"

As if on cue, a lightning strike sounded outside.

The gang rushed out, watching as a man stormed Beacontown.

"Order of the Stone!  Suit up!"  The twins were wearing Ender Defender and Dragonsbane, and everyone else had equipped theirs.

"Hey, is that Axel and Olivia?"

Sure enough, the two were challenging Herobrine.

With a snap, they were gone.

"Did they just disappear?"

He turned, and the new order went missing.

"Uh, guys?"



They did as they were told, running into a Nether portal.

It was disorienting, but they made it.

"Rails and minecarts?"

Jake pointed to the track.

"Let's see where they go."

The eight of them got in, Edward, the youngest who was turning 15 soon, complaining about being in the back.

"Okay... here we go- GHAST!"

Jay pulled her sword out and Addie pulled her bow out.

"Aim... and... FIRE!"

The arrow made direct contact, and the mob died.


Addie looked at Stone, nodded, and sat down.

"Guys, that portal says 'Far Lands.'"

"Far Lands?  What's that?"

"It's my hideout."

Ivor's voice rang out of nowhere, scaring everyone.


"Sorry.  There, we can learn, train, and suit up."

"As in, armor?"

"You'll need it if you want to survive!"

Jack shrugged.  "Fair enough."

The group sat in silence as the minecarts slowed to a stop in front of the portal.

529 words, just to give you an idea of what's to come.

I'll see you guys soon!- Dreamer.

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