Goodbye, Mon El

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"Daddy? Where are we going?" Siana asked, as a silent Mon El dressed her in an adorable pink dress. Kara leaned against the doorway, dressed in her suit, waiting. "Mon El?" Kara said. "It's time. The two of them flew Siana to the prerecorded spot. Imra was waiting, her face emotionless. Mon El started pleading. "Imra please, please don't do this." She simply turned around and started walking. Right as she reached the door of her ship, she turned her head towards Mon El. "Goodbye, Mon El." Siana waved and said "Bye bye daddy." not really knowing what was going on. The doors shut behind them, and the ship took off. It was small, just about three times the size of a Kryptonian pod. Mon El collapsed, bawling. Kara bit her lip, tasting blood. What Imra did, that was just cruel. To think of it, Mon El and Imra had only a few kisses. There wasn't much affection there. Mon El loved Siana though, with all his heart. Imra had just ripped her away from him. "Come here." she said, gently pulling him into a hug. She cupped Mon El's face with her hands. "She'll be okay, she's with her mom and grandparents." He nodded, and shocking Kara, planted a kiss on her lips. "I still love you." Kara registered the fact that he had just kissed her, after she had spent six months pining for him. "Let's get you out of here." she said. The two flew to Kara's apartment, where Alex had been watching the girls. She waved Alex away, and speed changed into sweatpants and a comfy t-shirt. She picked up the phone, as Mon El nervously sat on the couch. First, she called CatCo. "Hey James, it's Kara. Taking a day off, the twins are fussy and cranky today." she said into the phone, lying. Mon El watched the crinkle on her forehead that appeared when she lied. Next, she called the pizza place. "Hi, can I get one medium cheese pizza, and one medium combo pizza?" she said. "It's Kara, Kara Danvers. 1022 Argo Street, apartment 4A. Thank you!" She turned to a glum Mon El. "There's a box of your old things right there." she pointed to her room, where a cardboard box sat under her bed. He nodded, and changed into his own sweatpants and a shirt. Kara went to the kitchen, filling up two glasses of water, and went back to the living room. Mon El was holding Nova and Elara in his arms. "They look like you." He said. Kara nodded. "But they have your nose and hair." Their blond curls has darkened to brown. Kara gently swaddled the two, placing them in the nursery. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" She asked. He nodded. "Which one?"
"That one." He pointed to the Wizard of Oz. Kara laughed and put it on. The doorbell rang 20 minutes into the movie, it was the pizza. They paused it, and started eating. Mon El watched Kara eat. "Do you even chew?" He asked. Kara choked, her face turning red. He laughed, "I take that as a no." When they finished Kara brought out two pints of ice cream. Mon El got strawberry, Kara got cookie dough. They cuddled, watching the tons of movies as a downpour began outside. Mon El crashed his lips against hers, cupping her face as the credits rolled for the Funny Face. She was soon on top of him, as the two made out. He could feel her warm breath tickle his cheeks. He scooped her up and lead her to bed. They took each other's shirts off, as Mon El unhooked Kara's bra. They climbed into the bed, their happy sounds echoing through the apartment. The next morning, Mon El woke up before Kara and decided to make breakfast. He made bacon, eggs, and pancakes. He brought her breakfast in bed. Kara stared at him lovingly. "I love you Mon El Matthews." She said. He laughed as she used his human surname. "And I you, Kara Danvers."

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