Aaron or Sam

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Alex's POV

No matter how much I don't want to I have to get rid of the baby. My mom doesn't even know that I have a fricken boyfriend if she finds out that I have a baby she will literally disown me. I walked into Sam's room and sat beside him.



"I am going to get rid of the baby."


"Sam I know, I just can't have a baby yet."

"No Alex, I want this baby! WHY!?"

"BECAUSE OF MY MOM SAM! IT'S NOT EVEN YOURS! WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?!" He looked at me with a shocked/upset look on his face.

"I can't believe that you would ever say that."

"Sam I, didn't mea-"


"Sam pleas-"

"NOW ALEX!" I ran out with tears in my eyes. I went to my room and packed a bunch of cloths and necessities. I stuffed them into a large suitcase and headed for the Airport. I needed to get to Aaron.

Aaron's POV

I was sitting on my couch and I heard a soft knock on my door. my mom then yell making me jump,


"YES MA'AM!" I yelled back. I walked to the door and i saw Alex. we were best friends in middle school but when Connor started to make YouTube videos they had to move to LA. we eventually lost contact and we forgot about each other. I have always had feelings for her but she never noticed it. she quickly ran into my arms and I spun her around.

"Ugh, your hugs never get old Carpenter."

"And neither dose your laugh Franta." we stood looking at each other for a while before my mom came down stairs and yelled her name. She gave her a big hug and asked is we could all talk.

"Yes of course sweetie. I will just make you and Aaron some snacks."

"It's ok mom. we aren't 11 anymore!" I said in the nicest way possible.

Alex's POV

So if you haven't caught on yet Aaron and I were best friends. I have always had feelings for him but he never noticed. I was ready to tell him everything.

"Ok Aaron, the reason I am here is because I am pregnant. I was raped by Matt."

"Wait we are talking about the same Matt right? Matthew Lee Espinosa?"

"Yup, well I am pregnant and I am dating Sam but the baby is Matts. I told Sam I didn't want the baby because of the fact that my mom would kill me. Sam freaked out and I said that the baby wasn't even his. he got mad because we agreed that the baby was his but I just got mad and said some things. I still love him but I don't know what I should do Aaron."

"Ok wait wait wait! you went to fast! you are dating Sam Pottorff!?"

"Yes why?"

"We hate each other that's why!"

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