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Alex's POV

I was waiting for an hour and finally I got a call from Sam.

"Where da fuq are you!?"

"Well, when I got your call I ran out the door and forgot my wallet. I was speeding and got pulled over."

"So when can you get out?"


"Ok, I will see you then."

"Love you,"

"Love you too"


"Bye" I hung up and tears began to for in my eyes. right when I need him, he is gone. I looked over to the big clock planted beside me on a desk.


"Great" I mumbled under my breath. it was already 5. all of the sudden Connor began to speak.

"A-Alex? Is that you?"


"You can hear me?!"


"Where am I?"

"At a hospital" his eyes were still glued shut.

"It's dark"

"You're eyes are shut dip wad!"

"I can't open them!" fear began to rise in his voice.

"I can't move! I can't see! Where am I!" he began to breath heavily grabbing the sides of the bed.

"HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP!" he began to scream. I reached down and pressed the assistance button. A doctor rushed in and calmed him down.

"You're ok, you're ok." the nurse began to coo.

"Is he ok?" I asked worriedly.

"He is fine, I think he is out of the coma." I sigh of relief filled my lungs. All of the sudden Connors eyes fluttered open.


"Alex?" I jumped out of my bed and engulfed him in my arms. A sudden pain shot up my arm. I cried in pain. The doctor pushed me back and laid me back on the bed.

"Ms.Franta, you will need to pick a cast color."


"Hot or light?"

"Hot" he looked at me and jotted down some information off of the monitor. he walked out of the room and I looked over at Connor.

"Are you ok?"

"Sorta" he replied.

"What do you remember?"

"Alone, darkness, I could hear you but I couldn't see you."


"Where is Sam?"

"Long story short, he gets out of jail tomorrow"


"I know right."

"I'm tired, I'm gonna take a little nap."


"Night" I rolled over and drifted off to sleep.


I felt bad for not updating so here is your chapter. sorry if it sucks, I just have a lot going on.

QOFTD: what's your favorite song on the 5 sos album?


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