Back with him

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Alex's POV

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Um...take me to Sam's."








"Because I still love him."

Connor gasped and all of the sudden the car slammed into the car in front of us. My head flung forward and hit the dashboard. I looked over at Connor who was passed out leaning on the cracked windshield. I moved my hand to reach behind me but an aching pain shot up my arm. I whimpered and then I realized that my arm was broken. I tried screaming for help and before I knew it, some guy was helping me out of the burning car.

"CONNOR!" I yelled realizing that the car would blow up any second. the man looked and me in shock and ran to the driver side. he quickly pulled him out and ran towards a ditch. he covered us and before we knew it the car was blown up. he fumbled on his phone and called the police. eventually the police came and helped Connor and I to the ambulance. I sat in the car with Connor because my injuries weren't that serious. I couldn't feel a thing due to the fact that I was in complete shock. we made it to the hospital and Connor and I got the same room but separate beds. I was answering questions for the doctor and all of the sudden I heard an all too familiar cry. Sam.

"Sam what are you d-" the doctor interrupted me.

"You can't be in here young man."

"I'm family."

"Oh ok. I will let you two talk."

"Thank you." he said giving the doctor and evil glare. he quickly ran to me and gave me a questioned look.

"Aaron and I broke up!" I said smirking. He smiled back and looked at me with lust in his eyes.





"You know I am a virgin."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't dream."

"Oh shut up!" I said playfully shoving him.

"Um, when you get out of the hospital do you wanna go somewhere with me?"

"Yeah sure, but I don't know when Connor and I will get out."

"Well I am willing to wait a thousand years to be with you."

"You're so cheesy!"


"Did you ever find out what happened to Matt?"

"Um, I think he went to jail but his parents bailed him out." I said in reply.


"Yeah I know."

"Spoiled brat."



"Why did you date Acacia."

"We weren't dating."

"But you kissed her!"

"No, I told her to kiss me cheek to make you jealous and then she started making out with me."

"That's no what it looked like."

"I wasn't kissing her back."

"Why was she even at the house?"

"I think she was looking for Ariana. you know that her and Connor are always together." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"I thought they broke up."

"They did, but she still tells her friends they are together."


Sam leaned in and got close to my mouth. then suddenly someone pulled Sam back. Aaron.


Ooooh, cliffhanger! ok so I kinda want to know what happens too so I will probably update again. Also, comment on who you think Alex should stay with.




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